What is the main message that the authors of your assigned article are aiming to convey?

Assignment Questions to Answer:

Your answers can be in number form, i.e. you don’t need to put your answers in essay form — you can just answer the numbered discussion questions. However, make sure to first consult the grading rubric below.

1. What is the main message that the authors of your assigned article are aiming to convey? Give specific examples from the articles. Write your summary for an audience who has not yet read the article but who will need to thoroughly understand both sides of the conservation debate. In other words, write as if you were teaching your peers what your side of the debate is about. In your answer, fully define the worldview that corresponds most closely to author (ecocentric or anthropocentric).

2. What evidence from the article supports the main conservation ethic (anthropocentric or ecocentric) of your authors? Kareiva and co-authors represent a more anthropocentric worldview; Soulé / Doak and co-authors represent a more ecocentric worldview.

3. Do you agree with the author(s)? Why or why not? Explain.

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