What is the most important thing I learned personally in this class so far?- If you were to choose one path to happiness as laid out by one of the philosophers we have studies thus far, which one would you choose. Why?Explain

1. Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics & Abortion: Rosalind Hursthouse, Mary Anne Warren, Don Marquis,
and Sojourner Truth The goal of the paper is to do an ethical analysis of one of the social ethics issues covered
during the first eight weeks of the course, i.e., the ethics of abortion, FGM, world hunger, or
animal rights.
Take a position on the social ethics issue that you can defend with one of the ethical theories
covered during the first three weeks of the course, i.e., Virtue Ethics, Stoicism, Utilitarianism,
or Deontology. You may mix and match the ethical theories with the social ethics issues.
Use at least six (6) quote from the readings from assigned readings (1) and
one other resource for a total of seven (7) quotes. Also be sure to indicate the source of your
quotes. Cite everything. 🙂
Proper Citations: Please be sure to cite everything you quote, refer to, or imply. To make it
easy, use one of the online tools listed below.

1. What is the most important thing I learned personally in this class so far? (2 points)
2. If you were to choose one path to happiness as laid out by one of the philosophers
we have studies thus far, which one would you choose. Why?Explain. (2

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