What is the role of the professional nurse in creating an informed citizenry that is empowered to advance well-being within individuals, families, and communities?

I have to respond to my classmate’s post below. No reference is needed but if you use one, please list it.
What is the role of the professional nurse in creating an informed citizenry that is empowered to advance well-being within individuals, families, and communities?

In the history of nursing, nurses have been at the forefront of serving their communities and continuing to fill various roles in healthcare and population health. Nurses encourage healthy lifestyles, advocate for better patient outcomes, and offer quality health education (Heumann et al., 2022). It is worth noting that the role of professional nurses in establishing an informed citizenry and advancement in well-being within individuals, families, and communities is multifaceted and key in encouraging healthy living and empowerment. There are different aspects of nurses’ roles. Clearly, nurses play a significant role in offering quality health education to individuals, families, and communities. Nurses educate individuals regarding preventive measures, better nutrition, the importance of disease management, and seeking quality healthcare. Secondly, nurses advocate for patient’s rights and the well-being of individuals, families, and communities (Heumann et al., 2022). Through advocacy, they are the voices of unheard patients who may not have access to quality care and resources for better care delivery. With advocacy, nurses can raise systemic challenges to care, hence creating an environment supporting their general well-being (Heumann et al., 2022).

What can you do in your practice to engage and empower patients and families?

In my practice, there are various ways to engage and empower patients and families. First, it can be achieved through active listening, in which nurses should take the time to listen to the issues raised by patients and also allow them to express their concerns. Active listening demonstrates respect and creates a trusting relationship (Wu et al., 2023). On the other hand, nurses can provide education regarding diagnosis, disease management, pharmacotherapy, and self-care practices. Additionally, there is an aspect of including shared decision-making where patients are involved in decision-making in each stage of care delivery. Issues to discuss include risks, benefits, and alternative treatment modalities (Wu et al., 2023).

Discuss challenges that inhibit patient engagement in their health care.

Patient engagement involves a process where there is active involvement of patients in their health. There are key challenges that affect patient engagement. There is the challenge of limited health literacy, where patients have limited knowledge of health procedures, pharmacotherapy, and medical terminologies (Gonzalez et al., 2023). Secondly, language and cultural factors may limit patient engagement. Patients who cannot speak English will have ineffective communication and different cultural beliefs or values do not appreciate Western medical techniques (Gonzalez et al., 2023).

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