What is UCR? When was it introduced and what is its significance?

1.What is UCR? When was it introduced and what is its significance? (2 pts)
2.In what two ways are crimes cleared on the UCR? (1 pt)
3.List and describe the three main areas of concern regarding the accuracy of the UCR. (3 pts)
4.What are the key differences between the UCR and NIBRS? (1 pt)
5.What information is gathered by the NCVS and what is its purpose? (1 pt)
6.What 5 problems may be present in the NCVS? (1 pt)
7.What three elements are present in ”true” experiments? (1 pt)
8.What three differences exist regarding the intersection between gender and crime? Explain each difference. (3 pts)
9.What three reasons are given to explain racial differences in arrest rates? What were the findings of Mitchell and Caudy regarding racial differences in drug arrests and how were they an outcome of implicit police bias? (2 pts)
10.What is the racial threat hypothesis? How does it begin and what is often the result? (2 pts)
11.What are the micro and macro level findings regarding crime as it relates to immigrants? (1 pt)
12.How do firearms play a dominant role in criminal activity? (1 pt)
13.How do the crime types of those committed by impoverished people compare to those committed by the upper class? What two types of crime may be more commonly committed by people living in poverty? (2 pts)
14.What is the relationship between criminal behavior and age? (1 pt)
15.How is the concept of early onset offenders linked to persistence/continuity of crime? Define “persistence” and “continuity of crime” and explain their connection. (3 pts)
Bonus Question(s): According to the NIBRS video found on slide 10, what is the advantage of NIBRS data in terms of cross-jurisdictional criminal activity? (1 pt)

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