What kinds of behaviors and agreements will help us achieve community?

Community” is a word and concept that permeates education. However, “community” is a word we take for granted, and there is no one experience of community. Each of us have different experiences that inform our conceptions of it. In order for us to build a learning community, let’s be intentional and transparent about what we mean by community and how we will perform “community” in this course.

(1) First, please take a moment to reflect on your experiences of community, both inside and outside of school. Then, consider the kind of community we ought to create together to invite all into learning and that holds a space for inquiry and collaboration.

(2) Then, please add own community guidelines this discussion board below to help us name our community agreements. What kinds of behaviors and agreements will help us achieve community? In addition, what if someone breaks a norm? How should we handle it?

Let’s surface our hopes, expectations, and needs to hold a space for collaborative inquiry:

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