What kinds of conversations did you have about the health behavior, and how did that affect your adherence?

Exploring the impact of family and friends on health (Adopted from Dr. Anthony)
How often can you say that a school assignment makes you healthier? This one does! For this
assignment, you may choose to start doing one healthy thing OR you may choose to give up one
unhealthy thing for one week. You may choose the health behavior you wish to focus on. If the ideas
below do not appeal to you, you are free to think of something else, but please make it relatively
challenging, and also inform what it is. We’ve been learning about many ways that health and
interpersonal communication intersect. For your report, keep track of any troubles you had adhering to
to this new behavior regimen. Also keep track of the things that made it easier for you to change. Focus
specifically on the role that others—your friends, family, co-workers—played in influencing your
When writing your paper, write which option you chose, answer all of the questions pertaining to this
assignment, and follow the assignment details.
Did other people help you to develop or break your habit, or did they tempt you to fall back into
unhealthier behavior? Did others’ opinions of your behavior matter? What kinds of conversations did you
have about the health behavior, and how did that affect your adherence? Be sure to pay attention to both
the direct and the indirect ways that others influenced your health behavior.

Develop a healthy habit: Drink eight 8oz glasses of water a day; Exercise at least 20
minutes a day, 3-5 days a week; Eat 2-4 servings of fruit a day; Eat 3-5 servings of vegetables a
day; Park far away from where you need to be and walk; Floss your teeth consistently; Take the
stairs instead of the elevator; Get enough sleep.
Assignment details:
1. Type up your report of the type of habit
2. Write a minimum of 4-5; no more than 7 pages
3. Double-spaced typed pages
4. 1 inch margins
5. Times New Roman 12-point font
6. Cover page (does not count toward page count)

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