What kinds of dramatic play do you observe the children engaging in?

Part I: Observation Field Notes

The Child Development Center has graciously offered several observation sessions for HDF 460 students to observe children at play. You will be required to sign a confidentiality and sign up for an observation slot in advance. Please plan to stay for the ENTIRE time slot you have. As you watch the children at play consider the following and take notes:

1. What kinds of materials are the children using for play?
2. How do the children engage with play material?
3. What kinds of dramatic play do you observe the children engaging in?
4. How do materials and/or dramatic play align with their developmental stage?
5. What engagement strategies have you noticed that the teachers use with the children? (if observed and available. Verbal and nonverbal)
6. If/when an emotional or behavioral issue arises, how do the teachers manage the concern? (if observed and available)
7. What kinds of games do the children play and create with the materials they are using?
8. Please include other relevant observations (behavioral, techniques, skills, emotions, engagement etc.)

Part II: Paper

Please utilize APA format. This paper will be a total of 8-9 pages (including title page, abstract, appendixes, and reference page)

Page 1: APA Title Page

Page 2: Abstract
this is a brief summary of major points in your paper. It is a paragraph exploring the topic, methods, results and conclusion of your paper.

Body Pages page 3-whatever (4-5 body pages are recommended, there is no page limit for this assignment, but 4-5 is a good standard as a minimum – different page lengths will give you different points in the rubric): Intro & literature review, Methods, Results, and Discussion/Conclusion

Introduction & Literature Review
This introduces the topic of your paper & relevant research in the field.
Literature Review: Find 3-4 recent (within the last decade) and relevant scholarly research articles regarding therapeutic play with young children. At least one of your sources should include insights into the neuroscience of play.
Scholarly research = peer reviewed journal articles & textbooks

Methods (Heading Level 1)
Observations: accurately describe the play you observed at the CDC. Discuss your observations of play, materials, and if applicable student/teacher interactions. Include 2-3 scholarly or reputable sources here to support your observations of children at play. (Hint: You can use the textbook from HDF 200 (if you still have it) as a great source! you can also find research and information from on The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zero to Three, research on caregiver/therapist engagement as it relates to what you observed the teachers doing, etc.)

Results (Heading Level 1)
Here you will synthesize the research from your lit review with your observations at the CDC. What did you observe about the nature of play that correlates with your research? What are effective play materials, engagement strategies for this age group etc.
Include a suggested play therapy technique of your own design based on your observations and literature review.
Conclusion – a brief closing paragraph summarizing your project.

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