What Position ABOUT “Helping Ourselves to a Better Self-Image” Will I Take?

Essay Two: Independent Research – Helping Ourselves to a Better Self-Image
(based on Chapters 5 and 6 of The Honest Truth About Dishonesty
What is the Purpose of this assignment?
The purpose of this assignment is to apply the theme of “Helping Ourselves to a Better Self Image,” based on chapters 5 and 6 of The Honest Truth About Dishonesty, to an independent research project that taps into social media posting as a research basis–whether you are using Instagram posts, TikTok videos, Vlogs or trending Reddit threads. Acceptable samples of social media will be by individuals who highlight themselves—as individuals—in their post(s), and whom you can LINK to, so that their social “statements” can also be viewed by the reader of your essay as well. The individual(s) you choose as your “sample” must demonstrate a particular brand of “self-presentation,” as shown in selected visual post(s) that you will use as your primary evidence. Our prior Discussion Board posts and Journals should have prepared for you for this assignment, as they mostly all asked for very specific examples of your reaching out to social media. Remember the theme, “Helping Ourselves to a Better Self Image!”
What Position ABOUT “Helping Ourselves to a Better Self-Image” Will I Take?
By now, it is clear to you that Ariely is an observer of our sometimes inconsistent, sometimes even comical, practices of “helping ourselves” toward honesty (or dishonesty) about ourselves. So collectively, all in all, Ariely presents varying views of whether our tendency toward both honesty and/ or dishonesty is “good” or “bad.” Really, our tendencies toward dishonesty, in Ariely’s view, just “is” what it is; I don’t think Ariely is judging us. But just because Ariely “doesn’t judge,” that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take a position.
For this essay, you should take a definite position and that position should carry through your entire paper. The two possible theses for this paper to work are given to you below.
My Position Choice:
CHOOSE EITHER Thesis One OR Thesis Two for your paper.
Thesis One:
Self-puffery, like the blue crab (see chapter 6), impacts our social relations today, usually negatively, in which individuals create exaggerated or unhealthy means toward “helping ourselves toward a better self-image.” This kind of self-puffery is evident in the type of posting which I am calling ___, as exemplified by ____ , as it infuses an individual’s self-presentation and perpetuates harmful messages about ___ through their popularity.
Thesis Two:
Self-puffery, like the blue crab (see chapter 6) , fulfills the essential function of “fake it ‘til you make it” –a practice that constructively promotes self-signalling for positive effect. This kind of self-puffery is evident in the type of posting which I am calling ___, as exemplified by ____ , as it infuses an individual’s self-presentation and builds confidence and helpful messaging about ____ through their popularity.

Sources You Will Use.
An individual who exemplifies the type of posting you want to draw attention to
A comparison individual who exemplifies the same type of posting (comparison as a way to show off your additional insight) or a CONTRAST individual who exemplifies a kind of opposing, or opposite, type of posting (still relevant, but opposite).

One other research source that could be either based in psychology, communications, behavioral economics, or marketing. While you do not need to report in-depth on your research, it should be written about in such a way as follows the format of Assistive Handout # ___ in the Course Menu.

How Should This Essay Go? Let’s Keep Working in “Steps”
Basically the essay goes like this:
Step 1:
An introduction that opens the essay to the topic of “helping ourselves to a better self-image,” also including some reference to Ariely from the opening pages of either “Calling All Chloes” (chapter five) or the story of the blue crab (chapter six); some concept or keyword terms related to “self-presentation” from Discussion Board Post 5 (Who Do We Think We Are); your thesis statement choice (either Thesis One or Thesis Two).

Step 2:
A paragraph that deals with the “type of posting” you are identifying. (If you did a good job on Discussion Board Post 6, step 1, this shouldn’t be hard—it’s the same thing.) This paragraph should also include your description that critically characterizes this type of posting for a better self-image. (Again, this is being taken from Discussion Board Post 6, step 2—it’s the same thing.)

Step 3:
A restatement of your thesis at the beginning of paragraph three; what Ariely might say about this type of posting and how you know he would say this. (Refer to some writing and details from either Chapter Five or Chapter Six to back up your idea of what Ariely would say about this type of posting.) A sentence or two that leads into an individual—a specific person who posts—doing this type of posting; general statements about this individual’s posting style that connects to the beginning of this paragraph three.

Step 4:
A full-in, ALL-IN, description of ONE post by this individual as an example. You know what to do! Follow Assistive Handout #6 in Course Menu for how to read and describe a post with visual elements. Make sure you offer the details you choose to include as proof and support of your thesis.

Step 5:
A comparison post of some kind—either by another individual doing the same kind of thing like your first individual, or someone who offers a kind of contrast (maybe showing an “opposite” demonstration of self-presentation).

Step 6:
A personal perspective: Who are you in terms of your style of self-presentation? How do you compare to or contrast the individuals you’ve studied? What from your own life or experience connects you—in terms of interest or background—to the individuals you have highlighted?

As part of this reflection (either within your Step 6 paragraph or in a separate paragraph), add some supplemental research—one source—that backs up the personally-relevant point you are bringing forward in this step of your essay. Make sure the way you write about this source coordinates in style with Assistive Handout 3 on incorporating research, which you will find in the Course Menu.

Step 7:
Back to Ariely—Bring him back in; Recap and re-mention (a sentence or two) the supplemental research you included in step 6; find a way to conclude (offer your resolve to self-present in this way or not to self-present in this way). Your conclusion, and DONE!

Step 8:
Make sure you have a Works Cited list that includes the two posts you used, Ariely’s text, and your supplemental source as well. Required Length: 4-5 pages (not more).

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