What role does Social Class have on your likelihood to get arrested?

What role does Social Class have on your likelihood to get arrested? What role does Race have on your likelihood of getting arrested?

Look at Prison as a Social Institution and the history of prison as being a form of social control, how have these things changed over the last several decades and why have they changed? Have they changed for the better or have they gotten worse? Does an Institution such as prison have a role in modern day society?

******Please make sure you address the three different sociological perspectives when explaining your answers and use examples that were given in the article attached.

Make sure when explaining your answers you explain fully and elaborate your answers. I want to know that you understand the concepts underlying these issues, regarding social inequality, institutions, and race. PLEASE make sure you answer and explain thoroughly using the sociological perspectives.

Answers should not be written word for word from the textbook. Work must reflect your interpretation of what you learned.

REQUIREMENTS: 2 page minimum (NOT including your Title Page or Works Cited)

APA Format: Times New Roman, Double Spaced, Font size 12, Title Page & Works Cited

Assignment must be typed on a WORD Doc or Google Doc and uploaded into the Assignment

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