What specific issue(s) from the readings do you want to focus on.

Assignment: In size 12 Times New Roman, double-spaced font, write a 3-5 page essay that addresses an issue related to the following topic. Essay must include a minimum of three properly cited sources: at least two must be from material assigned from this class and at least one must be something you find on your own.

Topic: Career Success

Issue: Your choice! What specific issue(s) from the readings do you want to focus on. It can be anything that fits under the broad topic of Career Success and the posted research question.

Research Questions: How does someone find a career that will satisfy him/her? Build off this basic question based on ideas from the readings. This should help you move towards a more specific issue to focus on.

Format: Follow academic essay format (Review the Academic Writing PowerPoint!). Use this as a checklist! For this paper:

• Catchy, original title
• Introductory Paragraph:
o Start broad with a few sentences about the main Topic: college success.
o Transition from the broad into the more specific Issue(s) you will focus on (choosing college, picking a major, finding passion, money, etc.) to engage the reader.
o End your paragraph with a clear Thesis that states what your paper will prove. Note: Don’t ever write “This paper will prove…” Just make a clear, firm statement.

• Body Paragraphs:
o Must start with a Topic Sentence that clearly states the main point of the paragraph
o Set the Context of a quotation. A partial summary would work here!
o Smoothly lead into the quote. Either work it into your own words or AT LEAST use a signal phrase.
o Cite the quotation correctly.
o Explain/analyze exactly how THAT QUOTE proves your point.
o Repeat as necessary. The number of body paragraphs is completely determined by the number of different points/ideas you have.
o End with a summative concluding sentence.

• Conclusion Paragraph:
o Rephrase (do not directly repeat) your main points/ideas.
o End with a universal truth/lesson, a “So What?”

• Properly formatted Works Cited page. (Assuming you find an article to use from the internet, be sure you look up how to cite it correctly—use Purdue Owl!)
Checklist: Use the below as a final proofreading/editing check. Literally check off each item as your proofread. Note: failure to complete the below can drastically affect grade.

 Setup paper in adherence with the “Essay Structure” document
 This paper must be 3-5 pages long (not including the Works Cited). Remember, aiming for the lower end of the page requirement is aiming for C range at best. Aiming for the high end of the page limit is aiming for B or A range.
 You need to use at least THREE sources: at least TWO of those must be from this class and at least ONE must be from another source. Most online articles you find will be just fine; just go through the steps in the “How to Evaluate a Website” handout; watch the “Research Video” I posted.
 I’m a sucker for a catchy title. I like alliteration and two part titles. Of course, YOUR title should be centered and not bolded, nor underlined, nor italicized.
 Titles of articles should be put inside “quotation marks.” Your title should not.
 Make sure you cite sources correctly and document them correctly in the Works Cited page.
 Keep writing formal and academic
 Do NOT make announcements. E.g. This paper will prove….This paragraph will show…etc.
 Do NOT use first person (I, me, my, our, we); this is an Academic Essay about a specific topic, not a personal essay. YOU don’t exist in this paper.
 Do NOT use second person (you, your)
 Do NOT use contractions in formal writing (ex: isn’tis not)
 Pay special attention to grammar
 Remember to review the syllabus policy for late papers.
 Follow the writing process and be sure to proofread. Then proofread again!
 Use the organizers, handouts, and especially the checklists provided.
 Be sure to review and apply all of the lessons in the Academic Writing PowerPoint.
 All handouts and PowerPoints ARE your textbook. Refer back to them regularly!
 Review the essay rubric and self-assess your paper before handing it in to me.
3 resources/readings for the essay
1. PROOF POINTS: Many young adults choose work overcollege, report shows (From eng 101 class)
2. Just 50% of the college Class of 2020 had traditional fulltime jobs 6 months after graduation
cnbc.com/2021/12/10/50percent-of-the-class-of-2020-got-full-time-jobs-6-months-after-graduation.html (From eng 101 class)
3. Students’ Biggest Career Influences
(article from my own)

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