What subjects are required for computer science?

What subjects are required for computer science?
Assignment Guidelines: Step 1: Step 1: Using the links listed below, you will want to start developing a series of enhancements and upgrades for the company that will better secure your network. https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ics/Secure-Architecture-Design https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/sites/default/files/recommended_practices/NCCIC_ICS-CERT_Defense_in_Depth_2016_S508C.pdf Step 2: Once you have developed your list of enhancements, upgrades, etc. you will need to put together a PowerPoint presentation laying out the proposed changes and the reason for those changes.

Please use the video resources provided in the course shell to help you in writing and presenting a good business case. The structure of the PowerPoint should look roughly like the outline below. Introduction Executive Summary Description of the Problem Potential Fallout of Problem Proposed Changes – each problem/change should get their own slide Project Plan Projected Budget – extremely rough pricing, not expecting precise costs Wrap-up/Conclusion

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