What were his greatest achievements and why were they so important?

After reading Chapters 9 & 10 in your textbook, you will answer 2 questions for each chapter and then reply to a classmate who answered the question you have not yet answered. Please remember – ALL of your answers must be based on your reading of the textbook and must be cited from your textbook. Failure to cite from your textbook will result in a grade of zero. Each answer must be a paragraph of approximately 100-150 words. Any discussions flagged for artificial intelligence will receive a grade of zero. When you reply to a classmate’s post, you must bring additional and cited information into the discussion. Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero.

Chapter 9: The Heirs of Rome

What do Islam and Christianity have in common? How do they differ?
Discuss the rule of the Byzantine emperor, Justinian. What were his greatest achievements and why were they so important?
What was the Carolingian Renaissance? What were the strengths and weaknesses of this era?
Chapter 10: The High Middle Ages

Middle Ages antisemitism video:

How did agriculture kick start the revival of Europe during the High Middle Ages?
Why was there a conflict between the church and the state during this period? Discuss the nature of the conflict.
What factors lead to the rise of anti-semitism during the period?

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