What would you guess are the legislators’ reasons for being present?

Each student will attend a legislative hearing at any level of government. Any topic is acceptable, although one related to health or human services is preferred. Your professor may also advise you of upcoming hearings that may be of interest.
After attending the hearing, reflect critically about what you witnessed. For purposes of this assignment, observing the environment and understanding the process are more important than the actual subject matter.
After the event, you will submit a 1 to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

1. Subject, date, time, and location of the hearing. Level of government (local, state, national). Name of committee or subcommittee with jurisdiction. Type of hearing: specific bill, issue, oversight, confirmation?

2. Physical environment: Describe the room in which the hearing is being held. What does it suggest to you about the nature of the event? How is the room set up? Who is in attendance? Who sits where? What can you surmise from this?

3. The agenda: Who are the witnesses? In what order do they appear? Why?

4. The testimony: Identify a witness who you think is especially effective. What, specifically, do they do to maximize the impact of their testimony? Why, specifically, is it more effective than the testimony of other witnesses?

5. The response: How many committee members are present? Which ones? From which party? How do they behave toward each other? Toward the witnesses? What seems to be the role of their staff? What would you guess are the legislators’ reasons for being present? What are they trying to accomplish?

6. The media: Are members of the press in attendance? Is the hearing being televised? If so, what difference (if any) does this seem to make?

7. Impressions and analysis: What were your impressions of the hearing? What did you learn? How did what you observed compare with your expectations and with the description of hearings in your text? How could you use this experience?

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