What reform would you make to the current legal system and why (you should discuss research and/or theory backing you up!)?

The paper
should be relevant to some aspect of “children and the
law.” The final paper must be typed, double-spaced, use APA style, and be no
more than 5 pages
(Times New Roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins all around). References,
title page, and abstract are not included in the page count.
reform would you make to the current legal system and why (you should discuss
research and/or theory backing you up!)? What developmental principles guide
this reform (e.g., is there a specific age group for which your reform is
relevant?)? What policy or implementation limitations/challenges do you foresee
and why (e.g., legal challenges, acceptance of the public, etc)? You must cite
at least 8 research references (i.e., not websites, wiki, etc)

Your paper should include the following
– Title page in APA style (not included in the page count)
– Abstract in APA style (not included in the page count)
– Body of the paper
o Statement of the Problem (e.g., What is the gap in research and practice?

What is the
problem affecting kids?)
o Review of Relevant Literature and Theory (What research do we already have on
or similar reforms? What research and theory is relevant to your proposed
Essentially what do we already know that helps guide your proposed reform?)
o Description of Proposed Reform (What are the goals of your reform? How will
it work?
What does it look like in practice?)
o Limitations and Challenges (What are some of the limitations and challenges
that you
predict with using and/or implementing this reform? Will there be resistance –
why or
why not? With this section you should show that you are thinking ahead,
challenges of the reform based on what you know from our class and the
research, theory,
principles that you learned about)
– References (at least 8) in APA style (not included in the page count)
Regardless of your chosen reform, the main point of your paper is to
demonstrate your knowledge of the
theories and research discussed in class. Although creativity is valued, it is
most critical that your paper
be consistent with the concepts, principles, theories, and findings discussed
in this course and in the
course readings. You must refer to and describe the theory, concepts, research,
and/or legal principles
from class and your readings (or additional readings that you find) when
writing your paper.
Your paper must:
– Accurately cover material under the 4 headings described above
– Be approximately 5 pages long
– Use APA style
– Cite at least 8 appropriate references
– Be typed, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins on
all sides.
– Include a title page with your name and student ID number (do not put this
information within the
text of your paper).

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