Why and how does institutional distance matter to the MNE? For example, the possible challenges the MNE may encounter given the distance?

Hello, I have my assignment details below. I chose Valve incorporation for my company and japan was the area I was going to discuse. All I need is for a guy to narrate the power points that’s already made for roughly 20 mins and just act like you are me (Jaxson rasor). You may or may not want to do a small amount of research just to add a few pointers

Individual assignment: oral presentation (40%)
Each student will need to find a multinational company (e.g., Walmart, McDonald, Costco, etc.) and discuss its performance in ONE of its foreign markets. This project should prepare you with in-depth knowledge about how to research a country’s
institutional environment and norms using well-established data. This project is due on 03/15 at 11:59 pm.
Internationalization levels (use
Standard and Poor’s NetAdvantage data and Google)
How many current
subsidiaries/operating units does the
MNE have?
How many countries/ regions has the MNE entered? Please mark the regions on a world map.
Does the MNE have a geographic focus? For example, an MNE may focus its businesses on the Asian market. If so, why does this MNE focus on this specific region? If the MNE has a higher level of internationalization (count of countries or regions) without focusing on any geographic area, why is this the case? Does industry matter?
FDI rationale and performance
What factors drive the MNE to enter the specific host market? FDI for knowledge, resource, market, labor, or what?
How is the MNE’s performance in the host country? (e.g., revenue, profit; use Standard and Poor’s NetAdvantage data) Values and norms
Is there a cultural distance between the home country and the host country? (Use Hofstede cultural dimension to justify your answer) Why and how does culture distance matter to the MNE? For example, the possible challenges the MNE may encounter given the distance.
Institutional factors
Is there an institutional distance between the home country and the host countries? (Use Heritage foundation scores to justify your answer). Why and how does institutional distance matter to the MNE? For example, the possible challenges the MNE may encounter given the distance?
Please organize your answers in ppt slides and record a slide show with narration (about 20 minutes presentation). Your presentation will need to cover the above questions.
Progress report: Please email the company name and the host country you plan to study to the instructor no later than 02/23 at 11:59 PM. Data sources (There is a folder named
“Data” where you can find a more detailed description of the data):
1. Hofstede cultural dimension
(Cultural distance)
2. Heritage foundation (institutional distance)
Standard and Poor’s

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