Why human-centred design (HCD) is important for innovation in health care

You are asked to submit a presentation consisting of a 1500 word (max) Microsoft Word ‘script’, including the following:

– Why human-centred design (HCD) is important for innovation in health care (100words approx)

– Key principles of HCD (150 words approx)

-A description of what a design ‘process’ looks like (150 words approx)

-A mini sample ‘toolkit’ of four HCD methods/techniques that you recommend for the organisation below (and explain why you believe these to be suitable for them). These methods/tools should assist innovators to:
i) identify the needs and experiences of key users and stakeholders in the design process, and
ii) prototype and test solutions within the context of the services that the organisation provides.
(300 words approx)

-A hypothetical example of how the service described below might use two of the HCD tools/techniques to design an innovative solution to improving communication between consumers (service users) and service providers within the organisation’. (750 words approx)

Scenario/Organisation Brief:
You are a consultant who has been invited to give a presentation to a group of senior managers at a health and/or social care organisation. This presentation is an opportunity to win a contract to deliver a set of resources and a program of training workshops to enable the organisation to upskill their staff with the knowledge, understanding and methods to design human-centred innovations. Review the project brief below for more details about the organisation, and its particular needs.
Project Brief

Uniting is a national not-for-profit organisation, providing over 550 services across Australia in the areas of aged care, retirement and independent living, early learning, disability, chaplaincy and community services.
Uniting has adopted a ‘decentralised’ or ‘dispersed’ model to deliver key innovation projects. Rather than using service designers, innovation incubators or accelerators, our operational teams are provided with the mandate and resources to develop new ways of working. This model leverages our teams who best understand customer experiences and operational realities. However, such teams also typically lack expertise in innovation methods, disciplines and practices. We need to complement their passion, expertise and client relationships, with the ability to apply human-centred design principles.
What we want: A set of resources that build staff knowledge, understanding and capability to apply human-centred design principles, to new and existing projects. As a start, we have chosen to engage a few consultants, to deliver a brief presentation to us, including a ‘mini toolkit’, to describe and demonstrate how they would communicate a human-centred design approach to Uniting staff and consumers.

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