Why should the business expend resources making these changes? Consider what types of opposition or counterarguments you are likely to face. How will these changes be implemented?

Now that you have identified which lever your business should focus on improving first, we will ask you to prepare a proposal to design this lever:
Beliefs systems (we are going to prepare a proposal to design this lever)
Specifically, we need to re-philosophize our health plan to understand that we are more than just an organization that is keeping the lights on for our patients. We want our teams to understand that their duty to the business is great, but that we have goals of expansion at CalOptima Health and we need a strategy to trickle that information down to our teams as they start to work on their own departmental strategies (as of now, our departments don’t have this).

Please draft an executive summary, addressed to your senior management team, that provides a justification for making these changes and that outlines how they will be implemented. We recommend a length of approximately 300-500 words, although you may write more if you wish.

Your executive summary should address the following points:
What are the precise changes you propose making?
Why should the business expend resources making these changes? Consider what types of opposition or counterarguments you are likely to face.
How will these changes be implemented?

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