Why the question – integrating sustainability in business models?

CSR/CS Integration and Business Models of Change;Diversity & Gender Equity

A. Why the question – integrating sustainability in business models? (Arevalo et al, 2011).
B. What has Marks & Spencer accomplished in their Plan A? Your main highlights…(Grayson, 2011).
C. In general, what would be the first CS change you would implement at work – how would you pitch this to top management? (General)
D. Where does the US rank, in terms of placing more women on their corporate boards? (Video on Women on Corporate Boards)
Instructions: For the above, you must present these insights in paragraph form and fill the whole page in fluent business English (no errors). Your feedback MUST reach 500 words for the entire forum (see rubric below for quality and criteria of your post), which is equivalent to the entire page on the given screen. If you are seeking extra credit for this post, and have met the 500 word count (and score a 2 on each of the 3 criteria), please compliment your post with additional research (share link to recent/relevant article, or resource and its summary/direct link to the question), and practice reflections via relevant known firm and/or news briefs about the chosen firm and its operating sector and industry

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