Write a 750- to 1375-word paper (3 to 5 pages) explaining a tentative plan for how you could incorporate as many (at least four) of the nine recommendations into your daily routine, or into the daily routine of a man in your life.

Written Assignment 1
Watch the TED Talk and read the Men’s Health article, which delve into the health and longevity benefits that people who live in Blue Zones enjoy. The communities that live in these zones are in different regions of the globe and have varying ethnic backgrounds, yet all live longer than average. These communities represent an excellent opportunity to evaluate the effect that making healthy choices can have on improving modifiable risk factors.

Write a 750- to 1375-word paper (3 to 5 pages) explaining a tentative plan for how you could incorporate as many (at least four) of the nine recommendations into your daily routine, or into the daily routine of a man in your life. You will explore what benefit you perceive to be gained by doing so.

Include an introduction, at least one paragraph on each recommendation that you choose to explore, a conclusion, and any additional sections you find to be relevant. Utilize at least three references cited in correct APA style, including at least one relevant reference that you find on your own, which was not included in the study materials

Textbook Readings
Chapter 1 in Flynn, et al., Concepts of Fitness and Wellness
Required Readings
Baker, J. (2012). Determinants of health, risk factors, and prevention. Lumen Learning.
Healthy People 2030. (n.d.). Social determinants of health.
Buettner, D. (2009, September). How to live to be 100+ [Video]. TED.
Matthews, M. (2020, September 30). Nine things people in blue zones do to live longer. Men’s Health.

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