Write a briefing document (with visuals) to critically evaluate your chosen company strategic marketing and tactical plans.

Write a briefing document (with visuals) to critically evaluate your chosen company strategic marketing and tactical plans.Please follow the Assigment Brief precisely. Please note that 40% marks will go on Task 1(first question). When we talk about posotioning have to be very clear. Highlight Next or Homebase positioning stance. Before start writing about 4 P’s, state the positioning of the company first. Highlight how your chosen company use 4 of the 7 P’s and how it’s positioning in the market. After it’s done, we have to show their positioning through it’s: Products,Price,Place and Promotion. How they segmented, how they targeted, how they positioned themselves. In this report, please use the key words (please find word document attached). Ex.: If Next are trendy, show that they fasion in their product. If Next affordable(Pricing)-so next thing we have to say and show. Support your discussions with the pictures: Ex.: Discount picture. Do reflection for the key words. It’s important to show how your chosen company used 4P’s to enhance its position market. Ex.: If in the last 3 years Next or Homebase showed its positioning through its people, please explain how. Please use synonyms when talk in the report like: if cheap, then can be affordable, and repeat. Those key words needs constantly be showed in:Products, Price,Promotion and Place to show, how it reflected to enhance the company’s positioning. Please give at least one sentence to reflect positioning. Then you apply theory,ex.: Product:how Next or Homebase show its positioning through its product? Say it and show it with pictures. Please apply theory BCG Matrix, Maslow’s theory, Rogers diffusion of innovation, Product life cycle. For Place: please give Distribution Channel, Distribution strategies, supply chain, value chain.

For Promotion: olease apply AIDA, ELM, ABL, Integrated Marketing. If you write about People, please use: Kano and SERVQUAL models.Please use two images with the references for each: Product, Price,Promotion, Place or People. Images should reflect of what we are talking about. When it come to Task 2, please state clearly who is your target market. Like, we can segment market by demografic segmentation, by gender. Phsychographic segmentation:lifestyle. Again, please use images/diagrams to illustrate. For Task 3, please follow the instructions from the Assigment Brief. It’s vital to folow the Assigment Brief.

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