Write a comprehensive 1600 -word paper in APA format that explains your recommendations and new products.

For this assignment, you are required to select a company, analyze its current product offerings, and in a critical manner, make recommendations for what new products should and could be added to their product mix. You will need to explain how and why these new products will (i) improve revenue, (ii) profits, and (iii) customer satisfaction.

No publicly traded company can be used in this assignment, DON’T FORGET THIS!

Write a comprehensive 1600 -word paper in APA format that explains your recommendations and new products. This paper requires you to include any necessary examples,illustrations, drawings, images, quotations, and references to support and develop your position. Additionally, you must include a detailed bibliography in APA format.

Your paper should include the following sections

II. Product Analysis
A. Current Product Mix
B. Market Analysis
(Analyzing the company’s existing products)

III. Recommendations
A. New Products
B. Benefits
( Product recommendations that will increase revenues, profits, and customer satisfaction)

To successfully complete this assignment, you must do the following:

1. Select a company that you will use for this assignment.
2. Analyze the company’s current product mix and market.
3. Make recommendations for what new products should and could be added to their product mix.
4. Explain how and why these new products will improve revenue, profits, and customer satisfaction.
5. Support and develop your position with appropriate examples, illustrations, drawings, images, quotations, and references.
6. Include a detailed bibliography in APA format.
7. Submit your paper in APA format.

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