Write a evaluation essay on board topic that is not too advanced.

use simple language / vocab

don’t make it sound robotic

You will write and revise a paper of at least 1000 words (in addition to an MLA-style Works Cited page). Paper must be double-spaced and formatted according to 2009 MLA style rules (see pages 149-57 of The Little Seagull Handbook for format examples). In this essay you will use evaluative thinking to persuade your audience to see the value (or lack of value) of the person, place, thing, event, or phenomenon our are evaluating.


To create and support an evaluative claim by establishing criteria for particular class of items then matching those criteria to a specific item—the thing you are evaluating.

You also must anticipate and address possible objections to your criteria and matching.


A group of middle-class, college-educated individuals who are undecided or disagree with you on the issue you are writing about.


Your paper should cite as supporting evidence at least three sources, using standard MLA format.
At least two of these sources must be must originate from FGCU academic databases (scholarly journal articles or books). You may not use Wikipedia or televisions shows.
You must cite valid scientific and academic research in your essays to support your argument. If you cannot find valid scientific and academic discussion of your issue, find a new one to write about.

You must place the X (the subject you are evaluating) into the smallest and most meaningful category for your intended audience.
You must determine the criteria you will use to make your evaluation meaningful and helpful to your audience.
Your must anticipate objections your audience might raise about your criteria
You must think about how to weight and rank your criteria
You must evaluate your X by matching it to each criteria.

This is your evaluation claim, your judgement about the subject you’re evaluating based on how it does or does not meet your criteria.


Your introductory paragraph (1 paragraph, maximum) should define/ summarize the issue and provide any background information that your anticipated reader would not already know. It should also present the issue in the form of a question and show why it is problematic or controversial. It should also include your criteria and evaluation claim.


Support includes facts and statistics, expert opinion, relevant case histories, studies and surveys conducted according to valid scientific methods. You should not rely on anecdotes and examples from personal experience to support your position. What you need to support with evidence in your paper:

Exigence (the background for why the issue is worth considering)
Reasons for establishing criteria
Reasons that the subject does or doesn’t match the criteria
Responding to possible objections

Sum up your evaluation argument (do NOT restate your claim or reasons)
Indicate how your response could lead to significantly increased understanding, social benefit, progress, etc. Think of this as “how your claim on the issue contributes to the bigger issues beyond your issue”.

Consider the framework below when structuring the main body of your essay. Note that you may have more or fewer paragraphs than listed.


Provides exigence, some actual experience, fact, or detail as context for the issue
Presents the issue in the form of a question
Shows why the issue is problematic or controversial
Presents the criteria for evaluation
Presents your evaluation claim
Argument Criteria/Match

States criterion 1 and defends it if necessary
Shows that X (the subject being evaluated) meets/does not meet criterion 1
Supports match argument with concrete evidence
States criterion 2 and defends it if necessary
Shows that X meets/does not meet criterion 2
Supports match argument with concrete evidence
Continues with additional criteria and match arguments
Treatment of alternative or opposing views

Summarizes possible objections to criteria or matches
Responds to those objections

Sums up your evaluation
Opens to something bigger
Additional Notes:

Be aware that plagiarism, intentional or not, will result in a 0 grade for this paper and may result in failing this course. All sources you cite must be listed on the Works Cited page, and all sources on the Works Cited page must be cited in your essay, otherwise you will receive a significant grade penalty. Failure to turn this essay in to Turnitin drop box by the date and time specified by me will result in a zero grade for this assignment.

Your paper should:

Effectively address rhetorical issues —

It will make an emotional connection with the reader through its opening, topic sentences, its explanation of the importance of the question, and in its conclusion.
It will establish your credibility by acknowledging and refuting possible opposing views, carefully presenting detailed information, citing credible expert sources.
It will present a logical argument supported with sound evidence.
Effectively deal with the subject of the paper’s argument —

It will build around a relevant, complex, important question.
It will present a risky, interesting claim.
It will support the claim with credible, accurate evidence.
Demonstrate effective writing mechanics —

It use MLA format and documentation properly
It will have few spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure problems.
The writing will be clear and straightforward, letting the quality of the ideas shine through.
It will respond effectively to this specific assignment —

It will present a strong, thoughtful evaluation argument.
It will support the argument by matching the subject to appropriate criteria.
It will be an appropriate length.

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