Write a letter of application for a Radiology Tech position.

Interview Assignment
This assignment will provide you with employment interviewing experience. Using an actual job listing from a company in your area of interest, you will create a job application letter, resume, and complete a job interview.
For the assignment, you will choose where you will apply, conduct minimal research regarding your target company, and analyze your own capabilities and assets.
Select a job ad for the type of position you are interested in attaining in the near future. (make sure it lists duties/responsibilities and requirements)
Write a letter of introduction/cover letter and a personal resume for the position you have selected. All information you provide in the cover letter and resume should be truthful.
Cover Letter (Or Letter of Intent/Letter of Application)
In a single page, you will write a letter of application (also known as a cover letter) for a job. Please follow proper business formatting, as outlined below. Also, you are required to turn in a copy of the job ad and/or position for which you are applying. The letter is your first and maybe only chance to make a good impression, so be sure to provide all the most important details. Using the information found in the job ad, target your letter specifically to that company and that position. You should also design a professional-looking letterhead using fonts of your choice. You may start with the template included, but personalize it to match your own style, as well as that which is to be expected of the job.
Margins are 1”
Full-block style (all paragraphs and lines begin flush left, except letterhead)
Blank line between each paragraph
Font should be Times New Roman 12pt (except for your name in the letterhead)
Your name and address (letterhead)
Date Name, title, and address of recipient
Salutation Introductory paragraph
Body of letter
Conclusion (asking for an interview)
Complimentary close (“Sincerely,” followed by 3 blank lines)
Signature and typed name
In a single page, you will create a resume appropriate for the specific job for which you are applying. Please follow the structure as provided in the template, but feel free to adjust it as you see fit.

Job Interview Questions
The interview questions are attached below
Interview Submission/Portfolio:
Job Advertisement
Cover Letter
Interview presentation
The interview should follow this format:
There should be an “opening” or introduction between the interviewer and the interviewee where both sides state their names, and one side mentions the job that is being applied for.
The interviewer should ask each open-ended question to the interviewee, who should base their answers on past experiences and responsibilities rather than traits or clinched responses.
When the questions have been answered, both parties will “close” the interview, with the interviewer asking if the interviewee has any questions and promising to contact the interviewee in ample time.
Throughout the interview, the interviewee should NOT have any notes to assist with their answers; in real job interviews you do not have notes, and in this one you will not either.
The interviewee’s performance will be graded on the following criteria:
Did they provide complete and valid responses to the interviewer? (
Did they provide proper insight into past experiences and responsibilities from previous positions?
Did they respond in and maintain a professional tone throughout the interview?
Did they respond in an appropriate length of time to the interviewer throughout the process?
Did the interview follow the proper format of opening, body questioning, and closing?
Were their responses limited in filler-words (um, uh, like, so, you-know, etc.)?

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