Write a paper discussing how the case study’s work influenced your knowledge and expression of your crucial social location, your learning objectives, and your teamwork insights.

rite a final 500-word critical reflective paper, in a Word or Google Document, APA formatted that speaks to your learning goals (those set out in the first critical reflection paper) and your insights and assessment of how you have contributed to the team and cohort learning during the case study in particular, and the course more generally. Review your critical reflections on the strengths and opportunities for growth articulated in the first self reflection. How did you bring those strengths to the table?

Were you able to do that? How did the work of the case study contribute to your own understanding and articulation of your critical social location and your learning goals, and to your insights on how you work in teams. Dash, N. (2013). Race and Ethnicity. In T. D & P. B (Eds.), Social Vulnerability to Disasters.

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