Write a paper on what is the historical meaning of marriage?

Write a paper on what is the historical meaning of marriage?A Research Essay (six-to-seven pages) that presents relevant information about a historical and/or cultural aspect(s) of marriage in a well-organized essay, in appropriate format, with direct quotations and appropriate documentation of sources.
focus, for example, on one or two of the following: how couples are formed (dating, arranged marriage, eligibility for marriage, etc.), wedding events (vows, persons officiating, role of church and/or government, if any), honeymoons, legal aspects, religious aspects, gender roles, spousal relationships, parenthood, role of children, divorce options, etc. Your topic must be historically or culturally defined, not current.
Be as specific as you can. Note that it is better to narrow your topic than to broaden it – go deep, not wide! Remember: you can′t research the future and should not try to research individual people′s feelings.

At the end of the essay on a separate paper, In APA format , enter the author, year of publication, full title, and publisher of a book you found that you believe pertains to your research topic. Add a sentence or two about how it is relevant.

Then, in APA format, enter the encyclopedia entry title, the year of publication (if available), the encyclopedia title, the encyclopedia editor′s name (if available), the place and publisher of the encyclopedia, volume number (if relevant), and the page numbers on which the entry appears (if available). If the entry gives an author, put the author′s name first. If it is an online encyclopedia, add the date that you retrieved the entry. Add a sentence or two about how it is relevant.

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