Write a paper outlining Karl Marx’s definition of the components of social structure.

Write a paper outlining Karl Marx’s definition of the components of social structure.Elements of Social Structure
There are predictable social relations in terms of elements of social structure: statuses, social roles, groups, social networks, and social institutions.
In this assignment, demonstrate your knowledge of each element by completing the following:

First, define the bold-faced terms using your Sociology Matters textbook.
Then, using your own words, restate the definition.

Using that information, select one person for the entire assignment (you can use yourself, a relative, a celebrity, etc.) and identify that individual’s position in each of the elements providing an appropriate and original example. *Make sure you can complete this assignment with the person you select and that no private or personal information is shared. Also, this is not an opinion piece. Please be cognizant of your views. To illustrate, it is appropriate to state that Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S. president. It is not appropriate to say, “He was the greatest president of all time.”
Use the book Sociology Matters by Richard T. Schaefer. Any edition

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