Write a paragraph in which you detail an imaginary episode.

Write a paragraph in which you detail some episode. It could be an imaginary episode, or it could be an everyday moment from your own life told as a narrative, but make sure that it contains the basic elements of plot: a situation (A) undergoing some change, which then leads to another situation. This needn’t be a complex story, but it should contain all three elements, and they should be identifiable as such, even if the change of situation isn’t fully realized until the end. For example:
“This morning I was speeding to school when my coffee slipped off the dash. It splashed over me, soaking my clothes.”
Here we have a basic plot, with a situation (driving to school dry), interrupted by a change (being splashed by coffee), then leading to a new situation (driving to school wet).
Be as creative as you’d like with this, or if you’d prefer, keep it simple and analytic. The point is to familiarize yourself with mapping the basic elements of a rudimentary plot, which is any and every story, no matter how mundane.
Feel free to include and/or identify other plot elements if they seem to fit (exposition, foreshadowing, rising action, etc.), but be sure to map the key elements: situation A – change – situation B.
This assignment should be at least 250 words, and will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses.

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