Write a personal response to the following essential question: What does this text suggest to you about the significance of our memory of the past? Support your idea(s) with reference to the text and to your previous knowledge and/or experience.

Write a personal response to the following essential question:

What does this text suggest to you about the significance of our memory of the past? Support your idea(s) with reference to the text and to your previous knowledge and/or experience.


Critically: e.g. a formal analysis (see exemplars in moodle)
personally: e.g. connecting personal experiences and/or prior knowledge
creatively: e.g. short story, letter, scriipt, speech, diary entry and so on
Your response should be around 300-500 words in length. The texts you will use are the poem “In School Days” by John Greenleaf Whittier and the image below.

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