Write A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Online Vocational Teachers’ Training and Resources.

Feedback (instructor’s feedback),Please read more regarding qualitative methods and designs. The resources in the list of Qualitative Resources I emailed to you. I can work with you on the justifications for using or not using the designs. I think your RQs need more wording, such as training needed and resources needed. Possibly ask what training and resources were provided to them, then ask what training and resources they recommend. I am still not clear on what theory you will be using. Does Garrison’s model have a name?Remember to write everything in the future tense for now Slides to be worked on: 5, 9, & 10I need ONLY need Qualitative part. Do not touch the other side of the slide with quantitative because I took care of it already! Pease use the List of references for the quantitative description

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