Write a research article that goes into further detail about the definition of statistics in general.

Write a research article that goes into further detail about the definition of statistics in general.
Look back to the raw data you collected in week 1. There are 7 variables listed:

Vehicle type/class





MPG (city)

MPG (highway)

Choose TWO variables that you feel are correlated and explain why you feel that they are correlated. Do you suspect the relation is positive or negative? Why? Which would be considered the independent variable, which the dependent variable? Why?

Run a regression analysis in Excel and provide the results in your post along with your raw data. Looking at the R2 value, explain what this indicates about the strength of the relation. Then write out your Regression Equation, state if your p-value and conclusion.

I encourage you to review the Week 7 Regression PDF at the bottom of the discussions. This will give you a step by step example on how to calculate a correlation and run a Regression using Excel. I DO NOT recommend doing this by hand. Let Excel do the heavy lifting for you. You can also use this PDF in Quizzes section.

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