Write a research paper about how to reflect on a significant loss experience in your life, uncover the meaning(s) of that experience, and the impact it has had on your own life. You will comprehend how it affected your attitudes, beliefs, and emotions.

Write a research paper about how to reflect on a significant loss experience in your life, uncover the meaning(s) of that experience, and the impact it has had on your own life. You will comprehend how it affected your attitudes, beliefs, and emotions.
[1] You will submit a paper that includes a thoughtful, critical review your loss. Your analysis and reflection will be a cohesive paper in paragraph format, not a numbered list of content requirements. The word document shall be double spaced, 1 inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font.
[2] A grammatically sound paper is at least 5 pages of content and includes an introduction, your loss experience, analysis, reflection, conclusion, and an additional reference page. APA format. Submitted when due.
[3]A concise summary of your loss experience that includes your own thoughts and reactions. Inclusion of your family/friends reaction, how they supported or hindered your experience, and how you coped. Inclusion of any resources and supports you utilized, who was the most helpful in supporting you and why. Inclusion of what meaning the loss has had to you, how you have integrated this loss into your life, and how this loss may have impacted who you are.

**If you have a loss experience that has been a challenge and/or difficult to process, please note there is an alternate assignment if you find this assignment is too emotional. Please email me if you would like an alternate assignment where you do not write about a loss experience ***
[4] A concise analysis of your bereavement process, critical summary, using a bereavement model in the Chapter 9 of The Last Dance. Discuss how this model has/has not helped you further your understand your own process.
[5] In addition, identify ways in which you would modify the model to better explain your own bereavement process. Appropriate links are made to the chapter, a minimum of 3 citations from Chapter 9, anda minimum of 3 citations from any of the following chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
[8] A concise personal reflection of your loss experience and response to this assignment. Inclusion of how your personal experience with loss may influence your future professional practice, and specific sensitive aspects you would need to pay particular attention to. Inclusion of your thoughts and reflections in competing this assignment, what you learned.
[6] Inclusion of thoughts on if you believe it would be appropriate for you to share your personal experiences with a child/family, as it may relate to professional and personal boundaries, providing rationale for your answer. Inclusion of the need to be aware of your own behavior, values, and emotional needs and how they are separate from the patient/family.
[7] 3 citations from the article, “ Patient–Physician boundaries in palliative care training: a case
study and discussion” to reference when considering [6] above

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