Write a research paper about Natalie Sedacca’s article from the Industrial Law Journal about Domestic Workers, the “Family Worker” Exemption from the Minimum Wage, and the Gendered Devaluation of Women’s Work.

Write a research paper about Natalie Sedacca’s article from the Industrial Law Journal about Domestic Workers, the “Family Worker” Exemption from the Minimum Wage, and the Gendered Devaluation of Women’s Work.
These are the criterias I need met:
Shows clear evidence of wide and relevant
reading and an engagement with the conceptual
Develops a sophisticated and intelligent
Shows rigorous use and a confident
understanding of relevant source materials
Achieves an appropriate balance between factual
detail and key theoretical issues.
Provides evidence of original thinking.
· In essay questions, marks are awarded for your
ability to critically analyse an essay statement. The essay will provide you
with a statement. You should identify arguments in support of, and counter to,
that statement. Marks are awarded for development of an argument, including
understanding of the question and context of the question, a thesis and
structured testing of that thesis. The
question must always be answered but this need not be as a yes/no. Critical
analysis is key. Legal reasoning involves breaking down a practical or theoretical
· you are excpeted to be able to
critically evaluate legal arguments, assumptions and concepts. You should be able to evaluate
arguments in academic articles and explain your evaluation.
You should be able to evaluate legal judgments
and draw upon distinctions in judgments in your evaluation

After you have written it please send me a turnit
in’ report to check for any plagarism.

plagarism please
P.S can you try your best to give me the highest
possible mark and i will give a good review and
possibly tip.

use the following books and articles
– Women and the law Book by Sandra Fredman; Oxford Scholarship Online Law, 1997 chapter 10

– Feminist judgments: rewritten employment discrimination opinions Book edited by Ann C. McGinley; Nicole Buonocore Porter 2020
– Domestic Workers, the ‘Family Worker’ Exemption from Minimum Wage, and Gendered Devaluation of Women’s Work in Industrial Law Journal Article by Natalie Sedacca
-Shared Parental Leave: Can Transferable Maternity Leave Ever Encourage Fathers to Care? in Industrial Law Journal Article by Gemma Mitchell 07/06/2022

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