Write a research paper about public health or environmental challenges, social issues such as bullying, or a related topic that interests you.

Write a research paper about public health or environmental challenges, social issues such as bullying, or a related topic that interests you.MIDTERM EXAM Writing Projects Rhetorical Analysis Choose one to write about:

1. Select a classic speech, such as Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address or Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, and write a rhetorical analysis of it. Use one of the frameworks described in this chapter for your analysis. Assume your audience to be your classmates or others who might be interested in rhetoric and oratory. (You can easily find lists of famous speeches by searching online.)

2. Alternatively, analyze a contemporary speech you have heard, such as an address given on your campus by a guest speaker or a speech from a current political campaign. (Such speeches are often available on YouTube or news websites.)

3. Do a rhetorical analysis of promotional materials from an organization or agency that is involved in some kind of public advocacy—for example, on public health or environmental issues, social issues such as bullying, or a similar issue that interests you. The document you select for your analysis might be a flyer, direct-mail campaign letter, a public service announcement, a website, or an advertisement. For your analysis, conduct research to learn more about the organization and the issue it addresses. Select a framework for analysis that you think is most appropriate for the kind of text you are analyzing—or use a combination of frameworks. Based on your analysis, make recommendations to the organization or agency about how they might make their materials more persuasive.

4. Do a rhetorical analysis of your college or university website (or one section of that website). Based on your analysis, make recommendations for revising the website to make it more appealing to students and other potential audiences.

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