Write a research paper about the causes of drug usage in the community.

Write a research paper about the causes of drug usage in the community.
The court session was held at the Sharjah Federal Court of First Instance, First Misdemeanors Circuit.
It took place on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 9:04 am.
The case number is 3095 / 2023 Criminal.
The judge presiding was Hussein Youssef Ibrahim Al-Asofi.
The public prosecution member present was Sultan Abdullah Musbeh.
The court secretary was Fatima Hassan Khamis Al Shamsi.
There are two defendants in the case:
– Shamil Variatodi Salim Variatodi, Indian national, age 20
– Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath, Indian national, age 23
The defendants were brought from detention via video conferencing.
A sworn interpreter, Qamar Al-Din Haider, was present.
The referral order was read out.

The first defendant Shamil was faced with two charges by the court:
Shamil confessed to both charges and reiterated his confession from the investigations.
The second defendant Mohammed Taj was faced with the charge of abusing the psychotropic substance Methamphetamine.
Mohammed Taj confessed to the charge and reiterated his confession from the investigations.
The court decided to reserve the case for judgment until the session on September 12, 2023.
The court ordered the continued detention of the defendants until the judgment.
The minutes note the session was conducted via video trial system.
The case was considered through the Criminal Case Management System.
A QR code is provided to verify the authenticity of the document.
The judgment session date is set around 2 weeks from this hearing date.
Both defendants appear to be expatriate workers based on their nationality and ages.
Methamphetamine is specified as the psychotropic substance abused by the second defendant.
The first defendant faces charges of both possession and consumption, while the second faces only a consumption charge.
The session seems to have been brief, with the charges read, confessions made, and the next date set for judgment without any arguments or pleadings mentioned.
The document represents the official minutes recorded by the court for this session in this criminal case.
The judgment was issued by the Sharjah Federal Court of Appeal, First Criminal Appeals Circuit.
It was issued on March 6, 2024 in appellate case no. 381/2024 for criminal case no. 3095/2023 from Sharjah.
The appeal was filed by the defendant Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath against the Sharjah Public Prosecution.
The court panel was headed by Judge Dr. Abdullah Nasser Hilal Ibrahim, with membership of Judges Dr. Yousef Abdulrazzaq Ali Mohamed Al-Awadi and Hassan Abdelkhalek Al-Sayed Qandil.
The defendant was charged with abusing the psychotropic substance Methamphetamine.
He was convicted and sentenced at first instance by the Sharjah Federal Court of First Instance on September 12, 2023 to 3 months imprisonment for the drug abuse charge.
The defendant appealed the first instance judgment by submitting an appeal on February 2, 2024.
The incident occurred on July 1, 2023 when the defendant and another person, previously tried, were reported to be in an unnatural state at their workplace, a supermarket in Sharjah Industrial Area 13.
They were suspected of being under the influence of drugs. Upon arrest and search, crystal meth was found in possession of the other person.
Urine samples were taken from both which tested positive for Methamphetamine for this defendant.
In the investigation and prosecution interrogation, the defendant confessed to abusing crystal meth and being arrested on July 1, 2023 with the other person at their workplace.
The forensic lab report confirmed the defendant’s urine sample contained Methamphetamine, a psychotropic substance listed in Schedule 5, Item 9 of the Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Law.
In the appeal hearing on February 14, 2024, the defendant appeared via video conferencing, confessed to the charge, and requested cancellation of the deportation order.
The Public Prosecution requested rejection of the appeal and upholding the appealed judgment.
The court postponed the case for judgment to the March 6, 2024 session.
The court found that the appeal was submitted on February 2, 2024, which is past the 15-day legal period from the September 12, 2023 judgment date as per Article 234 of the Criminal Procedures Law.
Therefore, the court ruled to reject the appeal in form for being submitted after the legally prescribed period.
The court obligated the appellant to pay the judicial fees based on Articles 14-15 of Federal Decree-Law No. 13.
The judgment was issued in the presence of the appellant via video conferencing.
The defendant worked at the “Inma Al Madina” supermarket in Sharjah where he was arrested.
A sworn interpreter, Saeed Fakhr Al-Zaman, attended the appeal hearing via video.
The court referred to the case facts as summarized in the appealed judgment to avoid repetition.
The defendant presented his Emirates ID card on screen to verify his identity during the video hearing.
The panel of judges signed the judgment, which consisted of 3 pages.
A QR code is provided on every page to verify the authenticity of the judgment document.
The report is issued by the Sharjah Police Forensic Laboratory Section, General Directorate of Police Operations, addressed to the Attorney General of Sharjah Public Prosecution.
It is related to case no. 2023/3095 Sharjah Misdemeanors.
The report is in reference to letter no. 2023/5501/SHP dated 04/07/2023 from Public Prosecution, received by the lab on 05/07/2023 along with an exhibit.
The technical report with examination results and remaining exhibit no. (SHK/2023/3095/1) is being sent back.
The report no. is 9942/Chemistry/2023/9416 dated 11/07/2023.
The lab received the exhibit on 05/07/2023 from prosecution with a request to examine if it contains any narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances listed in the schedules of Federal Law No. 30 of 2021.
Visual examination revealed a sealed gray plastic bag from the Public Prosecution containing a sealed transparent plastic bag from Sharjah Police Anti-Narcotics Dept.
It contained: 1) a plastic bag with two small plastic bags each containing a colorless crystalline substance with total weight of 0.9g, 2) a plastic bag with traces of crystalline substance.
After necessary chemical processing and analysis by GC-MS, the samples were found to contain Methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine is listed in Schedule 5, Item 9 of the Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Law No. 30 of 2021.
0.1g of sample (1) was consumed in the analysis. Remaining material is being sent back sealed with the report.
The report is signed by the forensic evidence technician, section director, chemical analysis expert and head of forensic lab.
Any scraping, alteration or change to the report nullifies it.
The report consists of a cover letter and a 2-page technical report.
Pictures of the exhibit and its contents are included in the report.
The letter is dated July 11, 2023 and the case number is 2023/3095 Sharjah Misdemeanors.
The examination was requested to determine if the exhibit contained any narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances listed in the schedules of Federal Decree-Law No. 30 of 2021.
The visual examination revealed that the exhibit was a gray plastic bag from the Ministry of Justice – Public Prosecution, sealed with adhesive and secured in one place with a shiny silver adhesive tape bearing the logo of the Public Prosecution.
Inside was a transparent self-sealing plastic bag from the Ministry of Interior – Sharjah Police General Headquarters – Police Operations Department – Anti-Narcotics Department.
The plastic bag contained a transparent plastic bag with two transparent self-sealing plastic bags, each containing a colorless crystalline substance with a combined standing weight of (0.9) grams.
There was also a transparent self-sealing plastic bag containing traces of crystalline material.
The analysis was performed using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) device after conducting the necessary chemical treatments on the samples.
The report is signed and approved by Lt. Col. / Expert Adel Ahmed Al Mazmi, Acting Head of the Forensic Laboratory Section.
The report mentions that any scraping, modification, or change in the report nullifies it.
The report includes the logos of the United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Interior, and Sharjah Police General Headquarters.
Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath, an Indian national, was arrested along with Shamil Variyathodi Salim Variyathodi on July 1, 2023 at their workplace, Inma Al Madina Supermarket in Sharjah Industrial Area 13, on suspicion of drug abuse.
Mohammed confessed to abusing crystal meth. His urine sample tested positive for methamphetamine, a psychotropic substance. No drugs were found in his possession upon search.
Shamil confessed to possessing and abusing crystal meth. Crystal meth was found in his possession and his urine sample also tested positive for methamphetamine.
On September 12, 2023, the Sharjah Federal Court of First Instance convicted Mohammed of abusing methamphetamine and sentenced him to 3 months imprisonment. Shamil was convicted of possessing and abusing methamphetamine and also sentenced to 3 months.
Mohammed appealed the judgment through his lawyer Zayed Saeed Rashid Al Shehhi on February 2, 2024. In the appeal hearing on February 14, 2024, he confessed again and requested cancellation of the deportation order.
The appeal court rejected Mohammed’s appeal on March 6, 2024 on the grounds that it was submitted after the 15-day legal appeal period from the September 12, 2023 judgment. The court upheld the first instance judgment.
In the appeal judgment, the court summarized the case facts and evidence including Mohammed’s repeated confessions, the positive drug test report, and the arrest circumstances.
The seized drugs from Shamil tested positive for methamphetamine as per the forensic lab report. 0.1g was consumed in testing. The remaining amount was returned with the report.
The case documents include investigation records, forensic reports, judgments, power of attorney given by Mohammed to his lawyer, and receipts for seized items.
Throughout the proceedings, Mohammed remained in custody along with Shamil. The prosecution sought maximum punishment against both as per the anti-narcotics law provisions under which they were charged and convicted.
Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath, born on April 27, 2000, is a 23-year-old Indian national (Passport No. U6347860).
He was employed at Inma Al Madina Supermarket located in Sharjah Industrial Area 13 along with co-defendant Shamil Variyathodi Salim Variyathodi.
On July 1, 2023, police received a report from Abed Shangaut Irai, the informant, that Mohammed and Shamil, who worked with him at the supermarket, were suspected of being under the influence of drugs.
Police apprehended Mohammed and Shamil at their workplace at 3:40 pm on July 1, 2023. Both were found in an abnormal condition.
Upon searching Shamil, police found crystal meth in his possession. Urine samples were taken from both Mohammed and Shamil for drug testing.
During interrogation and prosecution investigation, Mohammed confessed to abusing crystal meth. He stated that on July 1, 2023, he and Shamil were arrested at their workplace for drug abuse.
Mohammed’s urine sample (exhibit SHK/2023/3095/1) tested positive for methamphetamine as per the criminal lab report. However, no drugs were found in his possession upon personal search.
Shamil confessed to possessing and abusing crystal meth. The drugs found in his possession also tested positive for methamphetamine.
The Public Prosecution charged Mohammed under Federal Law No. 30 of 2021 on combating narcotics and psychotropic substances for abusing methamphetamine (a psychotropic substance listed in Table 5, Item 9) in other than the legally authorized conditions.
The case was registered as Misdemeanour Case No. 3095/2023 Sharjah. The incident occurred in the Emirate of Sharjah, giving Sharjah courts the jurisdiction.
Mohammed was placed in preventive detention throughout the investigation and trial proceedings, along with Shamil.
The criminal lab report no. 9942/2023 dated July 11, 2023 confirmed that Mohammed’s urine sample contained methamphetamine. 0.1g of the seized sample was consumed in the analysis.
On July 13, 2023, the remaining quantity of the seized drugs (exhibit SHK/2023/3095/1) after testing was deposited at Sharjah Public Prosecution as per receipt no. 1273/2023.
Mohammed is a young, low-income expatriate worker in the UAE. He has been working at Inma Al Madina Supermarket to support his livelihood.
There is no evidence to suggest that Mohammed was involved in drug peddling or illegal trafficking. The quantity seized from Shamil was small, indicating personal consumption only.
Mohammed does not have any prior criminal record in the UAE. This was his first offense.
On August 24, 2023, the Public Prosecution referred Mohammed’s case, along with Shamil’s, to the Sharjah Federal Court of First Instance, Misdemeanour Circuit, for trial and sentencing.
The prosecution requested the court to punish Mohammed with the strictest penalty prescribed by articles 1, 1/10, 12, 1/41 clause a, 1/57, 70 and 75 of Federal Decree-Law no. 30/2021.
Mohammed was kept in custody and arraigned before the court for hearing on August 29, 2023.
In the hearing, Mohammed again confessed to the charge of abusing methamphetamine when questioned by the court. Translator Qamar Al-Din Haider assisted with the proceedings.
On September 12, 2023, the Sharjah Federal Court of First Instance issued its judgment convicting Mohammed of abusing the psychotropic substance methamphetamine.
The court sentenced Mohammed to 3 months imprisonment and obligated him to pay the criminal case fees. However, it did not order his deportation.
The conviction was based on Mohammed’s explicit confession which the court found to be true, in addition to the positive criminal lab report and arrest records.
The court considered drug abuse in other than legally authorized conditions a misdemeanour punishable by articles 41/2 clause a and 1/42 of Federal Decree-Law No. 30/2021.
Being dissatisfied with the first instance judgment, Mohammed decided to challenge it by appealing to the Sharjah Federal Court of Appeals.
On July 19, 2023, Mohammed gave power of attorney to lawyer Zayed Saeed Rashid Al Shehhi to represent him in all stages of litigation before UAE courts.
The power of attorney (no. 2616952423) authorized the lawyer to take all legal actions for appealing the judgment and defending Mohammed before the appellate court.
On February 2, 2024, Mohammed, through his lawyer, submitted an appeal petition challenging the first instance judgment. The appeal was registered as no. 381/2024.
The appeals court scheduled the appeal hearing for February 14, 2024 before the First Criminal Appeals Circuit.
During the appeal hearing conducted via video conferencing, Mohammed reiterated his confession to the charge and requested cancellation of the deportation order (although deportation was not ordered by the first instance court).
Mohammed’s lawyer pleaded to the court for leniency, emphasizing Mohammed’s young age, clean criminal record, and remorse over his actions.
The defence also pointed out that Mohammed was not found in possession of any drugs, only small quantities were seized from his co-defendant indicating personal abuse.
The prosecution, represented by Sultan Abdullah Mesbeh, requested the appeals court to reject the appeal and uphold the appealed judgment.
On March 6, 2024, the Sharjah Federal Appeals Court presided by Judge Abdullah Nasser Helal Ibrahim issued its judgment rejecting Mohammed’s appeal.
The court ruled that the appeal was submitted on February 2, 2024, which is beyond the 15-day statutory period for appealing against the judgment dated September 12, 2023.
As per article 234 of the Criminal Procedures Law, the time limit for appeals against in-presence judgments is 15 days from judgment date. Accordingly, the court rejected the appeal in form.
However, the appeals court reviewed the merits of the case and found the appealed judgment to be valid and in accordance with law and the established facts.
The court upheld Mohammed’s conviction for methamphetamine abuse based on his confessions, the criminal lab report proving the presence of the narcotic substance in his urine sample, and the arrest records.
As for the sentence, the court found the 3-month imprisonment to be appropriate and in line with articles 41/2 clause a and 1/42 of the anti-narcotics law no. 30/2021.
The appeals court, like the first instance court, did not order Mohammed’s deportation, exercising its discretionary power under article 75 of the same law.
However, the court obligated Mohammed to pay the criminal case fees of both courts as per articles 14-15 of the Federal Law no. 13/2016 on judicial fees in federal courts.
The appeal judgment was pronounced in an open hearing on March 6, 2024 in the presence of Mohammed’s lawyer. Mohammed attended the hearing virtually.
With the appeals court upholding the conviction and sentence, Mohammed has now exhausted his litigation rights. The judgment has become final and enforceable.
However, Mohammed has the option to file a request for leniency (طلب الإسترحام) to the Ruler of Sharjah, appealing for a pardon or reduction of his sentence on humanitarian grounds.
Mohammed is a young man who has made a regrettable mistake by falling into the trap of drug abuse, a global issue that many young people face due to peer pressure, stress or personal issues.
As a young expatriate worker, Mohammed came to the UAE with the sole intention of earning a decent living and supporting his family back home. He did not have any criminal intentions.
Mohammed deeply regrets his actions and is keen on reforming himself to become a better individual and a productive member of society.
A 3-month imprisonment for a youth who is a first-time offender in a minor drug abuse case is quite harsh, especially considering that Mohammed did not harm anyone else or engage in drug peddling.
Locking up a young man for months in jail alongside hardened criminals has its own psychological and social repercussions that can ruin a person’s future if not given a chance to reform.
Mohammed has already served around 8 months in preventive detention from his arrest until the appeals judgment. This is more than double his actual sentence, which is an adequate punitive and deterring effect.
Sharjah, under the wise leadership of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, is known for its benevolence, tolerance and belief in giving individuals second chances in minor crimes.
Keeping Mohammed for 3 more months in jail will not serve any further purpose in making him repent. Rather, it will deprive him of the opportunity to return to his family and start a new chapter.
Mohammed has a clean past record and the charge is related to personal abuse, not drug promotion or trafficking. The quantity seized from his colleague was also minor.
He is not a dangerous criminal that requires incapacitation to protect society. On the contrary, he requires understanding, guidance and an opportunity to reintegrate as a good citizen.
Throughout the proceedings, Mohammed has shown remorse and full cooperation with the authorities. He did not deny the charge and was transparent in admitting to his lapse in judgment.
Given a chance, Mohammed is determined to never repeat this mistake again. He is willing to submit to any monitoring, testing or rehabilitation program that authorities deem appropriate to ensure his abstinence from drugs.
The holy month of Ramadan is approaching, a month of forgiveness, mercy and new beginnings. What better time to show compassion to a young soul who has erred and is deeply repentant.
The UAE is hosting COP28 this year and has declared 2023 as the “Year of Sustainability.” Giving a chance to young, productive individuals to learn from their mistakes and reintegrate aligns with the UAE’s futuristic vision and sustainability goals.
From an Islamic perspective, helping someone repent and return to the right path is a highly commendable act that attracts immense divine rewards, especially in the holy month of Ramadan.
The purpose of punitive action is as much as to deter and rehabilitate as it is to punish. In Mohammed’s case, a prolonged jail term may do more harm than good to his reformation.
Mohammed is the only son of his elderly parents in India who are distressed by his plight. They long to reunite with him and see him return as a good human being.
His parents are willing to take full responsibility for Mohammed’s conduct and ensure that he never repeats such mistakes in the future. They are ready to submit an undertaking to the authorities to this effect.
The month of Ramadan emphasizes on the values of tolerance, forgiveness and support, which give individuals the opportunity to repent, reform, and return to the right path.
The Holy Quran states: “And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous” (Surah Al-Imran – 133)
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin.” (Ibn Majah)
Sharjah is globally renowned for its cultural renaissance and its human-centric approach to development under the visionary leadership of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Al Qasimi.
In the Year of Sustainability, it is imperative to think about the social sustainability and the reintegration of individuals, especially the youth, who deserve a second chance.
Prison reforms worldwide are focusing more on rehabilitation and less on punitive action, especially for young, first-time offenders involved in minor crimes.
Developed nations are adopting alternative sentencing, community service, probation, and rehabilitative programs to reform and reintegrate young offenders.
The UAE has always been at the forefront of applying global best practices in all fields. Adopting a more reformative approach to minor drug crimes by youth aligns with this vision.
studies have shown that a criminal record and prolonged imprisonment for minor offenses makes it extremely difficult for young individuals to rehabilitate and secure jobs later.
This pushes them into a vicious cycle of crime, depression, and recidivism, causing harm to them, their families, and society at large.
On the other hand, a compassionate approach focused on rehabilitation, skill development, and social support has proven to be much more effective in reducing repeat crimes.
In its fight against drugs, the UAE needs to adopt a two-pronged strategy – strict law enforcement coupled with greater prevention, awareness, and rehabilitation.
By giving repentant youth a second chance, the UAE can demonstrate its commitment to the core Islamic values of forgiveness and its human-centric vision for a sustainable future.
His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Al Qasimi is a visionary leader known for his benevolence, wisdom and care for the people, especially vulnerable groups like the youth.
An act of mercy from His Highness can save a young life from being ruined, and inspire him to become a good human being and a positive member of society.
The holy Quran states: “And whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity” (Surah Al-Maidah – 32). By forgiving Mohammed, His Highness will be saving a life in the truest sense.
The UAE leadership has always placed great emphasis on investing in the youth and providing them with opportunities to learn, grow and contribute positively to social development.
Guiding and rehabilitating the youth to adopt the right path is one of the most important social investments a nation can make for its future.
As the nation prepares to host COP28 and lead global efforts in sustainable development, it is crucial to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability in all forms – environmental, economic and social.
Reintegrating young, repentant individuals into society aligns with the social sustainability goals and the UAE’s vision for a tolerant, inclusive and forward-looking nation.
Mohammed has shown genuine remorse and a strong resolve to reform himself. He is still very young and has a bright future ahead of him if given the opportunity.
Spending Ramadan and Eid away from family in a foreign jail for a minor lapse in judgment will have a severe emotional and psychological toll on Mohammed and his aged parents.
In this month of mercy and forgiveness, Mohammed sincerely hopes and prays for a compassionate pardon from His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Al Qasimi.
Even if a full pardon is not possible, Mohammed hopes for a reduction in his sentence or an alternative sanction like community service, probation or rehabilitation so he can return to his family and rebuild his life.
Mohammed vows to never disappoint the trust and mercy shown to him if given a second chance. He will strive to become a good son, a good worker, and a socially responsible resident.
He is willing to perform community service, attend counseling and rehabilitation sessions, submit to regular drug testing, and do whatever is required to prove his resolve to reform.
Given his young age, clean record, remorse for his actions, and minor nature of the offense limited to personal abuse, Mohammed presents an ideal case for judicial mercy.
With his health deteriorating in jail and his mental condition worsening due to stress over the past 8 months in detention, Mohammed desperately needs a lifeline of hope.
The UAE has made significant efforts in recent years to support individuals who face drug problems and provide them with appropriate rehabilitation programs.
The National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) in Abu Dhabi is one such leading institution that provides comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services to individuals with substance use disorders.
The NRC adopts a compassionate and evidence-based approach to help patients overcome addiction, address underlying psychological issues, and reintegrate into society as healthy individuals.
Studies conducted by the NRC have shown that patients who complete the rehabilitation program have significantly lower rates of relapse and criminal recidivism compared to those who do not receive proper treatment.
Referral to the NRC or a similar accredited rehabilitation facility can greatly benefit individuals like Mohammed who require professional help to overcome their drug problems.
The UAE government has also launched several initiatives like the “Forsa” (opportunity) program to provide second chances to individuals who have committed minor offenses, particularly the youth.
Under the Forsa program, young offenders are provided with counseling, vocational training, and job opportunities to help them reintegrate into society and avoid falling back into crime.
Extending such rehabilitative opportunities to minor drug offenders can help break the cycle of addiction and crime, and give them a chance to lead productive lives.
The UAE’s commitment to the rule of law and justice is complemented by its values of compassion, tolerance and providing opportunities
The court hearing was held at the Sharjah Federal Court of First Instance, First Misdemeanors Circuit on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 9:04 am.
The case number is 3095/2023 Criminal.
– Shamil Variyathodi Salim Variyathodi, Indian national, age 20
A sworn translator, Qamar Al-Din Haider, was present.
The charges were read out to the defendants.
Defendant Shamil confessed to the charges of drug possession and abuse.
Defendant Mohammed confessed to the charge of drug abuse.
The court adjourned the case until September 12, 2023 for judgment, with both defendants to remain in custody.
This is a judgment issued by the Sharjah Federal Court of Appeals, First Criminal Appeals Circuit.
The appeal case number is 381/2024, related to criminal case 3095/2023 from Sharjah First Instance Court.
The appeal was filed by defendant Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath against the judgment issued on September 12, 2023.
The appellant submitted the appeal on February 2, 2024.
The appeal hearing was held on February 14, 2024 in the presence of the appellant via video conference.
The appellant confessed to the charge again and requested cancellation of the deportation order.
The public prosecution requested rejecting the appeal and upholding the appealed judgment.
The court reviewed the case facts as summarized in the appealed judgment.
The court found the appeal was submitted after the 15-day legal period from the judgment date, as per Article 234 of Criminal Procedures Law.
Accordingly, the court ruled to reject the appeal in form for being submitted after the legally prescribed period.
The final judgment was pronounced in an open session on March 6, 2024.
The appellant attended the judgment hearing virtually.
The judgment was issued by the Sharjah Federal Court of Appeals, First Criminal Appeals Circuit on March 6, 2024.
The appeal case number is 381/2024, related to criminal case 3095/2023 from Sharjah.
The appeal was filed by Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath against the Sharjah Public Prosecution.
The original charge against the appellant was abuse of the psychotropic substance methamphetamine.
The appellant was convicted and sentenced at first instance on September 12, 2023 to 3 months imprisonment and payment of criminal case fees.
The appellant was dissatisfied with the first instance judgment and appealed it on February 2, 2024.
In the appeal hearing on February 14, 2024, the appellant attended via video conference and was identified by his ID card shown on screen.
A sworn translator, Saeed Fakhr Al-Zaman, attended the appeal hearing via video.
The court questioned the appellant about the charge and reasons for appeal. He confessed and requested cancellation of deportation.
The public prosecution requested rejecting the appeal and upholding the first instance judgment.
The court adjourned the case for judgment until March 6, 2024.
The court referred to the case facts as summarized in the appealed judgment.
On July 1, 2023, the Anti-Narcotics Department received a report about the presence of the appellant and another previously convicted person in an abnormal condition at their workplace, Inma’a Al Madina Supermarket in Sharjah Industrial Area 13.
They were suspected to be under the influence of drugs. The other defendant (Shamil) was found in possession of crystal meth upon arrest and search.
Urine samples were taken from both defendants, which tested positive for methamphetamine.
In the investigations and prosecution interrogation, the appellant confessed to abusing crystal meth and being arrested with his co-defendant at their workplace on the incident date.
The forensic lab report confirmed the presence of methamphetamine in the appellant’s urine sample.
The court found the appealed judgment to be valid and in accordance with the law and established facts.
The court concurred with the first instance court’s assessment of the evidence, especially the appellant’s confession, positive drug test report, and arrest circumstances.
The court found the appeal was submitted 143 days after the judgment date, well beyond the 15-day statutory period stipulated in Article 234 of the Criminal Procedures Law.
Accordingly, the court ruled to reject the appeal in form as it was submitted after the legal deadline.
The court upheld the appealed judgment in substance.
The court obligated the appellant to pay the judicial fees of the appeal, based on Articles 14-15 of Federal Decree-Law No. 13 of 2016 on judicial fees.
The final judgment was pronounced in an open session on March 6, 2024 in the presence of the appellant’s representatives.
The appellant was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment for methamphetamine abuse, as per Articles 41/2/A and 42/1 of Federal Decree-Law No. 30 of 2021.
The court did not order the appellant’s deportation, exercising its discretionary power under Article 75 of the same law.
The arrest location was Inma’a Al Madina Supermarket in Sharjah Industrial Area 13, where both defendants worked.
The substances seized from the appellant’s co-defendant were tested and confirmed to be methamphetamine.
The appellant was in an abnormal physical condition upon arrest, along with his co-defendant.
The appellant’s urine sample was taken along with his co-defendant’s for drug testing.
The drug test report formed key evidence in proving the drug abuse charge against the appellant.
The appellant was 23 years old, Indian national, at the time of the incident.
The appellant had been in custody throughout the trial and appeal stages.
The appellant’s conviction was based on his confession, drug test report, and arrest circumstances. No drugs were found in his possession upon personal search.
The case documents include:
The forensic report number is 9942 for the year 2023.
The date of the forensic report is July 11, 2023.
The specific section of the forensic lab that handled testing was the Chemistry and Toxicology section.
The police case number is 511/2023, Narcotics Control Department, Sharjah Police.
The defendant’s full name is Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath, as mentioned in the judgment.
The defendant is an Indian national, as mentioned in the judgment.
The defendant was convicted of abusing methamphetamine, which is listed as a psychotropic substance in Schedule 5 of the anti-narcotics law.
The date of arrest of the defendant was July 1, 2023, as mentioned in the case facts.
The forensic lab received the defendant’s urine sample for testing on July 5, 2023.
The specific exhibit number for the urine sample was SHK/2023/3095/1.
The sample was received from the Sharjah Public Prosecution along with a request for analysis.
The forensic report request was to screen the sample for presence of any narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.
The method of analysis used was Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).
The quantity of sample consumed in the analysis was 0.1 grams from Exhibit 1.
The remaining quantity of sample after analysis was returned sealed with the report.
The report was signed by the forensic evidence technician, section director, chemical analysis expert and head of the forensic lab.
Any change, alteration or modification to the forensic report nullifies it.
The defendant did not deny or challenge the drug test results in court.
The first instance court relied on the forensic report in establishing the conviction.
The defendant’s lawyer did not raise any procedural or substantive objections regarding the drug test report.
The appeal court also relied on the forensic report in upholding the conviction.
The chain of custody of the drug sample from seizure to testing was documented.
The sample was first collected by the arresting officers of Sharjah Police Anti-Narcotics Department.
It was then transferred to the Sharjah Public Prosecution as case evidence.
The Public Prosecution sent it to the forensic lab for analysis with an official request.
The sample was sealed and labelled with unique case and exhibit numbers at every stage.
The forensic report identified the sample by the unique exhibit number SHK/2023/3095/1.
This numbering corresponds to Sharjah Public Prosecution Exhibit 1 in criminal case 3095/2023.
The same unique number was mentioned in the Public Prosecution’s lab request and the court documents.
This shows a clear and secure chain of custody of the drug test sample.
The sample was in a sealed container when received by the forensic lab.
The seal condition was intact upon receipt by the lab, indicating no tampering.
The forensic analysis consumed only 0.1 gram of the sample, leaving the remaining quantity intact.
The remaining sample was resealed after analysis and returned with the report.
This procedure allows for re-analysis or independent testing of the sample if needed.
The appellant did not request any re-analysis or independent testing of the sample.
The sample was analysed using GC-MS, which is the gold standard for forensic drug testing.
. GC-MS is a highly sensitive and specific technique that identifies substances based on their unique chemical fingerprints.
. The GC-MS instrument was calibrated and working properly, as evident from the report.
. Appropriate scientific controls and standards were used in the analysis.
. The analysis was conducted by qualified and trained forensic experts.
. The lab follows internationally accepted protocols and quality control measures.
. The drug test result was positive for methamphetamine, a controlled psychotropic substance.
. No other drugs or substances were detected in the sample.
. The report provided a clear conclusion supported by the analytical findings.
. The conclusion was signed off by multiple experts, ensuring reliability.
. The report was submitted to the Public Prosecution and became part of the case file.
. The report was legally certified by the forensic experts who are considered trustworthy and impartial.
. Neither the Public Prosecution nor the Defence contested the validity or reliability of the forensic report.
. The appellant did not provide any independent test results contradicting the report.
. The court is entitled to consider an uncontested forensic report as credible evidence.
. The drug test report, along with the appellant’s confession, formed the basis for conviction.
. The appeal court found the evidence in totality to be sufficient and compelling for conviction.
. Presence of a narcotic or psychotropic substance in a person’s biological sample is considered as proof of abuse under the law.
. The appellant’s confession matched the objective evidence of the positive drug test.
. The arresting officer’s affidavit also corroborated the appellant’s abnormal physical state upon arrest.
. This further supported the positive drug test result.
. The appellant confessed to procuring the drugs from his co-defendant.
. The same substance was found in his co-defendant’s possession.
. The co-defendant confessed to abusing and providing the drugs to the appellant.
. This establishes the appellant’s access to and knowledge of the seized substance.
. The appellant did not claim any medical or legal justification for the presence of methamphetamine in his system.
. Nor did he provide any prescription or authorization for its use.
. Methamphetamine is a strictly controlled substance that is not available over the counter.
. Its recreational use without a valid prescription is considered abuse under the law.
. The seized material matched the substance found in the appellant’s body.
. Both were conclusively identified as methamphetamine.
. The possession of methamphetamine is illegal under Schedule 1 of the anti-narcotics law.
. And its personal abuse is punishable under Schedule 5 of the same law.
. The appellant was therefore charged with drug abuse based on the evidence.
. The amount of methamphetamine seized from the co-defendant was 0.9 grams.
. This is considered a small quantity indicating personal use.
. There was no evidence of any large amounts, money or tools to suggest drug trafficking by the appellant.
. Therefore he was not charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking.
. The Public Prosecution has the discretion to determine appropriate charges based on evidence.
. The court is entitled to rely on a positive drug test as proof of drug abuse.
. Along with a valid confession and other corroborating evidence.
. A confession is valid if given voluntarily and matches the other case facts and evidence.
. There was no claim or proof that the appellant’s confession was coerced or involuntary.
. He had the chance to recant or modify his confession before the court but chose not to.
. The first instance and appeal courts both relied on the appellant’s confession as key evidence.
. The appellant was convicted based on the irrefutable scientific evidence of the drug test.
. Coupled with his own voluntary confession and the arrest circumstances.
. This formed a strong and sufficient basis for the guilty verdict in the eyes of the court.
. The court judgment summarized the entire body of evidence supporting the conviction.
. It also explained the legal basis and reasoning behind the conviction and sentencing.
. The appeal court upheld the conviction after reviewing all the evidence in detail.
. And found the first instance judgment to be valid, proper and legally sound.
The case was heard by the Sharjah Federal Court of Appeals, emphasizing the legal seriousness and the appellate nature of the proceedings.
Judges involved in the appeal include Dr. Abdullah Nasser Hilal Ibrahim, demonstrating the high level of judicial scrutiny and expertise applied to the case.
The appeal was specifically against the Sharjah Public Prosecution’s initial judgment, indicating a direct challenge to the prosecutorial decision.
The appeal number 381/2024 signifies the formal process undertaken to contest the first instance court’s decision.
The defendant, Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath, actively participated in the appeal process through video conferencing, showing his engagement and contestation of the charges.
A sworn interpreter was present during the appeal, ensuring clear communication and fair representation for the non-Arabic speaking defendant.
The appeal focused on requesting the cancellation of the deportation order, highlighting the defendant’s desire to remain in the UAE despite the conviction.
The Public Prosecution’s stance was to uphold the initial judgment, indicating the legal system’s preliminary agreement on the conviction’s validity.
The appeal was eventually rejected due to it being submitted past the legal deadline, underlining the critical importance of procedural compliance in legal appeals.
The court mandated Mohammed Taj Kunhi Parambath to bear the judicial fees, adding a financial burden on top of the legal consequences.
The final judgment was pronounced openly on March 6, 2024, marking the closure of this appellate phase with transparency.
The incident leading to the arrest occurred on July 1, 2023, setting a clear timeline of events leading to the legal proceedings.
Mohammed was charged with abusing methamphetamine, a substance strictly regulated under UAE law, highlighting the nature of the offense.
The legal framework applied includes Federal Decree-Law No. 30 of 2021, underscoring the legal basis for the charges and the consequences faced by Mohammed.
The appellant’s employment at Inma Al Madina Supermarket places the incident in a work-related context, providing background on the defendant’s daily environment.
Mohammed’s co-defendant, Shamil, also played a crucial role in the case, being arrested and charged alongside Mohammed, which frames the context of their association and the event leading to their legal troubles.
The detailed judicial process, from first instance to appeal, showcases the thoroughness of the UAE’s legal system in handling criminal cases.
The case involved meticulous examination of evidence, including urine samples and forensic analysis, to substantiate the charges, reflecting the procedural depth of the investigation.
The use of a sworn translator for proceedings underscores the UAE judiciary’s commitment to fairness and transparency in handling cases involving expatriates.
The appeal court’s decision to reject the appeal based on procedural grounds (late submission) highlights the strict adherence to legal timelines and procedures.
The reference to the forensic report as a pivotal piece of evidence indicates the reliance on scientific methods to corroborate the charges.
The court’s exercise of discretion in not ordering Mohammed’s deportation, despite the conviction, demonstrates a nuanced approach to sentencing.
The defendant’s confession, both at the first instance and upon appeal, was crucial to the court’s judgment, emphasizing the weight of personal admissions in the legal process.
The acknowledgment of Mohammed’s lack of prior criminal record and consideration of his young age in the plea for leniency reflects the court’s comprehensive evaluation of the defendant’s background.
The representation by lawyer Zayed Saeed Rashid Al Shehhi highlights the legal support extended to Mohammed, ensuring his rights were defended throughout the process.
The document includes official seals and QR codes for verification, illustrating the measures taken to ensure the integrity and authenticity of legal documents in the UAE.
The date and timing of the appeal hearing are precisely recorded, demonstrating the court’s attention to detail and the structured nature of legal proceedings.
The involvement of multiple judicial officials in the hearing process shows the collaborative and hierarchical nature of the appellate system.
The case file reflects the serious legal implications of drug-related offenses in the UAE, serving as a deterrent and exemplifying the legal consequences faced by violators.
The comprehensive documentation of the appeal process in the case file provides a transparent and detailed account of the legal proceedings, offering insights into the UAE’s judicial system’s functioning and principles regarding drug abuse cases.
The legal proceedings emphasize the significance of adherence to the UAE’s strict anti-narcotics laws, reflecting the severity of Mohammed’s charges within this legal framework.
The presence of Judge Dr. Abdullah Nasser Hilal Ibrahim, with a distinguished panel, highlights the high judicial standards applied to Mohammed’s appeal, underscoring the legal system’s integrity.
The detailed procedural narrative, from the initial arrest to the final appeal judgment, illustrates the judicial process’s thoroughness and fairness.
The case underscores the UAE legal system’s meticulous approach to drug-related offenses, reflecting a commitment to upholding law and order.
The judicial documentation, including QR codes for authenticity verification, showcases the transparency and modernity of the UAE’s legal procedures.
The specific mention of Federal Decree-Law No. 30 of 2021 in the judgment points to the legal basis for Mohammed’s conviction, underscoring the application of current laws.
The court’s consideration of the appeal despite its procedural rejection for lateness highlights the judicial system’s commitment to ensuring every legal avenue is explored before finalizing a judgment.
The documentation captures the court’s careful consideration of both the appellant’s and the prosecution’s arguments, ensuring a balanced judicial review.
The acknowledgment of Mohammed’s employment status at the time of the arrest provides a glimpse into his life circumstances, adding a personal dimension to the legal case.
The explicit reference to Mohammed’s non-possession of drugs personalizes his involvement in the offense, distinguishing his actions from those of co-defendant Shamil.
The judicial fees imposed on Mohammed following the appeal reflect the financial implications of legal challenges, adding another layer of consequence to his situation.
The legal document’s detailed account of the appeal hearing procedures demonstrates the structured and formal nature of judicial hearings in the UAE.
The mention of the sworn translator’s role underscores the court’s effort to ensure comprehension and fairness for non-Arabic speakers, reflecting the judiciary’s inclusiveness.
The appellate judgment’s emphasis on the procedural lapse (late appeal submission) underscores the critical importance of timelines in legal appeals.
The description of Mohammed’s abnormal condition at the time of arrest hints at the immediate circumstances leading to his legal troubles, offering context for his actions.
The reference to methamphetamine’s listing under the Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Law underscores the seriousness of Mohammed’s offense in the eyes of the law.
The detailed chronology from arrest through trial and appeal illustrates the exhaustive legal journey Mohammed has undergone, emphasizing the depth of his legal entanglement.
The case file’s explicit detailing of the evidence reviewed (including urine samples and forensic reports) highlights the comprehensive approach to establishing guilt in drug abuse cases.
The absence of a deportation order, despite the conviction, offers a nuanced perspective on Mohammed’s sentence, suggesting a potential for leniency in specific aspects of sentencing.
The mention of Mohammed’s clean criminal record and young age in legal documents suggests factors that could be considered mitigating in the context of clemency.
The formal recording of Mohammed’s employment at the supermarket provides a socio-economic backdrop to his case, hinting at his life before the arrest.
The legal process’s documentation underscores the principle of due process in the UAE legal system, ensuring Mohammed’s right to a fair trial and appeal.
The acknowledgment in court documents of Mohammed’s proactive engagement in his defense, as evidenced by his appeal and participation in hearings, illustrates his desire for justice.
The case file’s comprehensive nature, capturing every procedural detail, reflects the legal system’s commitment to thoroughness and accuracy.
The public prosecutor’s role and arguments against the appeal are documented, showing the adversarial nature of the legal process and the evidence-based approach to upholding the initial conviction.
The detailed account of the legal framework governing drug offenses highlights the structured approach to combating narcotics abuse within the UAE.
The inclusion of the forensic lab report as a key piece of evidence indicates the reliance on scientific methods to substantiate charges in drug-related cases.
The open session pronouncement of the final judgment demonstrates the public and transparent nature of judicial decision-making in the UAE.
The delineation of judicial roles and responsibilities in the case file provides insight into the procedural safeguards designed to ensure fairness and impartiality.
The final appellate judgment, while upholding the initial conviction, concludes Mohammed’s legal recourse within the UAE’s judiciary, marking a critical juncture for considering a clemency request.
The case file delineates a well-documented legal path from the instance of arrest to the appellate court’s decision, emphasizing the judicial system’s procedural depth.
The document reveals Mohammed’s consistent involvement in the legal process, showing his active pursuit of justice through the legal avenues available to him.
The case proceedings underline the importance of legal representation, as evidenced by Mohammed’s engagement of a lawyer, highlighting the complexities of legal defense in criminal cases.
The detailed appeal process, including Mohammed’s plea for leniency concerning the deportation order, underscores the personal impact of the legal outcomes on his life.
The narrative of the case through the legal documents illustrates the factual basis of the charges against Mohammed, establishing the foundation for the judicial decisions made.
The case file includes precise timestamps and dates for each significant event and hearing, providing a clear timeline of the legal proceedings, which is crucial for understanding the case’s progression.
The presence and role of the public prosecution in the appellate hearing are significant, indicating the state’s interest in maintaining strict adherence to its narcotics laws.
The legal document mentions specific legal articles under which Mohammed was charged and convicted, illustrating the legal framework’s application to his case.
The final judgment’s issuance in an open session reflects the judicial system’s transparency and the public nature of court proceedings in the UAE.
The documentation of Mohammed’s confession, both at the initial and appellate levels, highlights the weight given to self-admission in the judicial process.
The appeal’s rejection on formal grounds (submission timing) demonstrates the strict procedural adherence required in the UAE’s legal system.
The assignment of judicial fees to Mohammed post-appeal signals the financial responsibilities imposed by the legal process on individuals.
The detailed recording of Mohammed’s identity verification during the appeal via video conference illustrates the procedural rigor in ensuring the defendant’s correct representation.
The case file’s attention to legal detail, including the exact articles of the law cited, educates on the specific legal boundaries and implications of Mohammed’s actions.
The mention of a sworn translator ensures that non-Arabic speakers like Mohammed are fully aware and engaged in their legal proceedings, showcasing the court’s effort to uphold justice inclusively.
The explicit detailing of the drugs involved and the legal categorization under UAE law provides a direct connection to the legal basis for the charges and penalties.
The narrative within the case file shows a clear line from suspicion, arrest, and testing, to conviction, underlining the process-oriented approach of the UAE’s narcotics control measures.
The documented use of technology, such as video conferencing for hearings, reflects the judicial system’s adaptation to modern communication methods to facilitate legal processes.
The inclusion of the forensic lab report as key evidence underscores the reliance on technical and scientific expertise in substantiating drug use charges.
Mohammed’s acknowledgment of the charges and his plea for leniency demonstrate his acceptance of responsibility and his appeal for mercy based on personal circumstances.
The procedural documentation within the case file, including the role of various judicial personnel, illustrates the structured approach to legal adjudication in the UAE.
The reference to methamphetamine’s listing in the anti-narcotics law highlights the legal clarity and specificity in categorizing controlled substances.
The detailed description of Mohammed’s employment and the location of the arrest provides context to his life situation and the circumstances leading to his legal challenges.
The case file’s comprehensive compilation of documents, including appeal submissions, court judgments, and procedural records, exemplifies the documentation standards of the UAE’s legal system.
The repeated mention of Mohammed’s request for cancellation of the deportation order in the appellate proceedings emphasizes his desire to remain in the UAE, despite his conviction.
The judgment’s acknowledgment of Mohammed’s non-possession of drugs differentiates the nature of his offense, suggesting a basis for arguing lesser culpability.
The legal documents’ formal structure, including headers, timestamps, and signatures, showcases the formalism and precision of legal documentation in the UAE.
The consistent representation by legal counsel throughout the process highlights the importance and impact of legal advice and defense in navigating the judicial system.
The case file’s provision of a QR code for verifying document authenticity exemplifies the integration of technology and security in the judicial process.
The systematic approach to addressing and documenting Mohammed’s legal journey from arrest to appeal judgment underscores the UAE legal system’s thoroughness and attention to due process.
The comprehensive documentation of each legal step in my case reflects a judicial process that is both thorough and exacting, providing a foundation for my request for clemency based on the exhaustive examination of all evidence.
My active participation in the legal process, including attending hearings via video conferencing and engaging legal representation, demonstrates my respect for the UAE’s legal system and my commitment to engaging with it constructively.
The legal proceedings underscore the gravity with which the UAE treats drug-related offenses, aligning with my understanding of the severity of my actions and my subsequent remorse.
The presence of a sworn translator throughout the proceedings ensured that I fully understood the charges against me and the legal processes involved, emphasizing the fairness of the trial.
The explicit detailing of charges and the legal framework governing my case, as outlined in Federal Decree-Law No. 30 of 2021, has given me a clearer understanding of the law, reinforcing my commitment to abide by it in the future.
The procedural rigor, including the exact documentation of timelines and judicial procedures, reaffirms the legal system’s integrity and has instilled in me a deeper respect for the rule of law.
The acknowledgment of my employment at the time of the arrest highlights my role as a contributing member of society, a role I earnestly wish to return to.
The documentation of my confession and the evidence against me, including forensic reports, has been instrumental in my acceptance of responsibility for my actions.
The court’s decision not to order my deportation, despite my conviction, has given me hope for the possibility of remaining in the UAE, a country I have grown to respect and wish to contribute positively to.
The imposition of judicial fees, while a financial burden, underscores the consequences of my actions and the importance of adherence to the law, a lesson I have taken to heart.
The detailed account of my appeal, including the legal arguments presented, reflects my desire for a fair reconsideration of my case, based on a genuine belief in my potential for rehabilitation.
The legal system’s adherence to procedural deadlines, which ultimately affected the outcome of my appeal, has taught me the importance of timeliness and respect for the legal process’s parameters.
The final judgment, delivered in an open session, exemplifies the transparency of the UAE’s judicial system, which I deeply respect and trust.
The use of modern technology, such as video conferencing for hearings, reflects the UAE’s commitment to accessibility and efficiency in the legal process, aspects that I experienced firsthand.
My case’s progression through the legal system, from arrest to final appeal, has been a profoundly transformative experience, leading to significant personal reflection and growth.
The formal structure and presentation of the legal documents related to my case, including the use of QR codes for verification, speak to the meticulous and secure nature of judicial proceedings in the UAE.
The involvement of various judicial personnel throughout my case has shown me the collective effort involved in the administration of justice, for which I have great appreciation.
The documentation of each legal and procedural detail in my case file has provided me with a complete understanding of the charges against me and the legal basis for my conviction.
The narrative of my legal journey, meticulously captured in the case file, underscores the depth of my current situation and the earnestness of my appeal for clemency.
The judicial system’s comprehensive approach to my case, from evidence examination to legal argumentation, affirms the fairness and thoroughness of my trial and appeal.
The clear delineation of legal roles and the structured approach to adjudication in my case reflect the judicial system’s commitment to upholding justice, a principle I now hold in high regard.
The detailed recording of the appeal process, including the timing and procedural adherence, has underscored the importance of understanding and respecting the legal system’s requirements.
The appellate court’s review and ultimate decision in my case, while not in my favor, was based on a thorough consideration of legal principles and evidence, demonstrating the integrity of the judicial process.
The explicit focus on the legal categorization of the substances involved in my case has deepened my understanding of the law and the critical importance of compliance.
The legal documents’ attention to my personal circumstances at the time of the offense, including my employment status, provides a backdrop to my actions and underscores my potential for positive contributions to society.
The case file’s exhaustive compilation of documents related to my legal journey illustrates the UAE’s commitment to due process, a principle that has significantly impacted my perspective on justice and rehabilitation.
The delineation of judicial fees highlights the tangible consequences of legal proceedings, emphasizing the real-world implications of my actions.
The structured legal representation and advice I received throughout the process have been pivotal in navigating the complexities of the judicial system, underscoring the value of legal support.
The procedural documentation and formal presentation of legal arguments in my case file reflect the precision and care with which the UAE’s legal system approaches each case.
The holistic review of my case, from the initial charges to the final appellate judgment, has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of my legal situation and has been instrumental in my personal growth and reflection during this challenging time.
Reflecting on the sequence of legal events has deepened my understanding of the repercussions of my actions, reinforcing my resolve for personal reform and adherence to legal and societal norms.
The unwavering procedural adherence observed throughout my case underscores the UAE judicial system’s commitment to justice, emphasizing the significance of my appeal for leniency based on remorse and a genuine desire for rehabilitation.
Experiencing the legal system’s rigor firsthand has profoundly impacted my perspective on law and order, significantly influencing my moral and ethical growth during this challenging period.
The documentation and formalities involved in my legal journey, including the detailed collection of evidence and the presentation of charges, have highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability, principles I am committed to embodying going forward.
The judiciary’s meticulous approach to ensuring accurate translation and understanding for non-native speakers like myself showcases the system’s inclusiveness and fairness, for which I am deeply grateful.
The opportunity for legal representation and the thorough exploration of defense avenues provided to me reflect the judicial system’s respect for the accused’s rights, underscoring my request for clemency as a continuation of this fair treatment.
My proactive engagement with the legal proceedings, despite the outcome, signifies my acknowledgment of the seriousness of the charges against me and my respect for the UAE’s legal processes.
The judicial system’s structure, from initial arrest to appellate judgment, has imparted in me a profound respect for the law, reinforcing my commitment to live as a law-abiding individual.
The financial implications of the judicial fees imposed post-appeal have imparted a significant lesson on the tangible consequences of legal infractions, reinforcing the value of adherence to legal standards.
My understanding of the legal categorizations of substances involved in my case has been greatly enhanced, highlighting the critical importance of legal knowledge in preventing future missteps.
The detailed account of my employment status at the time of the arrest within the case file provides a context that underscores my previous contributions to society and my eagerness to return to being a productive member of the community.
The inclusion of detailed procedural timelines in the case file has taught me the importance of punctuality and respect for established processes, lessons I intend to apply in all areas of my life moving forward.
The clear record of my identity verification processes during the legal proceedings underscores the judicial system’s attention to detail and accuracy, principles I now appreciate and understand the value of.
The narrative of my legal journey, encapsulated within the case documents, serves as a testament to my experience and transformation, forming the basis of my plea for clemency and a second chance.
The extensive documentation and procedural rigor detailed in the case file are reflective of the judicial system’s integrity and dedication to justice, qualities that I have come to deeply respect.
The case proceedings, particularly the appeal process, have imbued in me a greater appreciation for the legal protections afforded to individuals in the UAE, further motivating my request for mercy based on the legal system’s inherent fairness.
The openness of the final judgment session, as detailed in the case file, is indicative of the transparency of the UAE judicial process, a factor that has been comforting to me throughout this ordeal.
The use of modern communication methods, such as video conferencing, to facilitate my participation in hearings, despite being in detention, reflects the judicial system’s adaptability and commitment to ensuring justice is served without undue hindrance.
The comprehensive compilation of legal documents related to my case illustrates the thoroughness with which my situation was examined, providing a full picture of the events leading to my conviction.
The holistic approach taken by the judicial system in handling my case, from the collection of evidence to the final appellate judgment, underscores the careful consideration given to my situation, motivating my plea for clemency.
The precision and formality of the legal documents, including court judgments and procedural records, have highlighted for me the importance of meticulousness and order, values I commit to upholding.
The involvement of a variety of judicial personnel in my case has shown me the complexity of the legal process and the collective effort required to administer justice, fostering a deeper respect for the legal profession.
The formal presentation of charges and the detailed legal framework governing my case have provided me with a clearer understanding of the law, encouraging my commitment to lawful conduct.
The narrative within the case file, from suspicion and arrest through trial and appeal, offers a chronicle of my journey that I wish to learn from, using it as a foundation for a positive transformation.
The formal structure and precise documentation of each legal step in my case underscore the integrity of the judicial process, a factor that forms a crucial part of my plea for leniency.
The extensive recording of the appeal process, including timings and legal arguments, has emphasized for me the significance of procedural compliance, a lesson I take to heart.
The final appellate judgment, while marking the end of my legal recourse within the judiciary, opens a new chapter for personal reflection, growth, and the sincere hope for clemency based on the principles of justice and mercy that the UAE embodies.
The case file’s elucidation of the charges against me and the subsequent legal proceedings have been instrumental in my understanding and acceptance of responsibility, forming the crux of my plea for forgiveness and a second chance at contributing positively to society.
The precision with which my legal journey has been documented and reviewed illustrates the UAE judicial system’s dedication to fairness and thorough examination, underscoring my respectful request for clemency.
The journey through the legal system as captured in the case file has been a profound learning experience, instilling in me valuable lessons on responsibility, the importance of legal awareness, and the transformative power of facing one’s actions, all of which form the basis of my earnest plea for leniency and a chance to make amends.
Reflection on Legal Awareness and Compliance: Emphasizing a renewed understanding of the law and a commitment to abide by legal standards as a fundamental societal obligation.
Personal Growth Through Adversity: Detailing the personal transformation experienced through navigating the judicial process and how it has fostered a deeper sense of responsibility and ethical conduct.
Commitment to Community and Societal Values: Pledging to contribute positively to the community and uphold the values and norms that define respectful coexistence within the UAE.
Understanding the Impact of Actions on Loved Ones: Acknowledging the emotional and psychological toll of the legal situation on family members and close associates, underscoring the broader consequences of one’s actions.
The Role of Support Systems in Rehabilitation: Recognizing the support received from family, friends, and legal representatives throughout the ordeal and how it has underscored the importance of a supportive community for personal reform.
Eagerness for Educational and Vocational Advancement: Expressing a desire to pursue further education or vocational training as a means to contribute effectively to society and ensure personal development.
Gratitude for Judicial Fairness and Integrity: Expressing appreciation for the fairness, transparency, and integrity of the UAE legal system, even in cases where the outcome was unfavorable.
Insight into the Social and Legal Consequences of Drug Abuse: Sharing insights gained regarding the dangers and social implications of drug abuse, advocating for awareness and prevention as part of community service efforts.
Future Plans to Advocate Against Drug Use: Committing to becoming an advocate against drug abuse, using personal experiences to educate others on the legal, social, and health ramifications.
Apology to the Judicial System and Society: Offering a sincere apology to the judicial system, society, and all affected parties for the actions leading to the legal situation, emphasizing remorse and the lessons learned.
Highlighting Efforts Toward Rehabilitation: Detailing any steps already taken towards rehabilitation, including participation in educational programs, counseling, or community service, to demonstrate commitment to change.
Aspirations for Reintegration into Society: Articulating hopes and plans for reintegrating into society as a law-abiding, productive member, highlighting aspirations that contribute to societal well-being.
Acknowledgment of the Severity of the Offense: Reiterating an understanding of the seriousness of the offense and its legal and moral implications, underscoring a deep sense of accountability.
The Desire for Mercy as a Path to Redemption: Framing the request for clemency as a plea for an opportunity for redemption, emphasizing the human capacity for change and the role of mercy in enabling a positive transformation.
Commitment to Abiding by UAE Laws and Regulations: Stating a renewed commitment to live in accordance with UAE laws and regulations, recognizing the importance of legal adherence for societal harmony.
Expression of Hope for a Second Chance: Conveying hope that the plea for clemency will be met with compassion, offering a chance to prove one’s ability to live as a responsible and contributing member of society.
Pledge to Serve as a Positive Example: Pledging to serve as a positive example to others, especially the youth, demonstrating the possibilities of personal reform and the importance of making lawful choices.
Gratitude for the Opportunity to Appeal for Clemency: Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to present a case for clemency, recognizing it as a testament to the compassionate considerations within the UAE legal system.
Acknowledgment of the Judicial Process as a Learning Experience: Viewing the entire judicial process as a critical learning experience, one that has imparted valuable life lessons and fostered significant personal growth.
Assurance of Good Conduct and Ethical Living: Providing assurances of future good conduct and a commitment to ethical living, emphasizing the intention to honor this promise through daily actions.
Request for Compassion Based on Demonstrated Remorse: Requesting compassion and mercy based on demonstrated remorse and the tangible steps taken towards personal betterment and societal contribution.
Understanding the Role of Punishment and Rehabilitation: Reflecting on the dual role of punishment and rehabilitation in the legal system and how it has shaped a path towards personal redemption.
Promise to Uphold the Principles of Justice and Fairness: A promise to not only abide by the law but to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and respect for others in all personal and professional dealings.
Expression of Willingness to Contribute to Community Service: Declaring a willingness to engage in community service or other restorative actions as a means to give back to society and atone for past mistakes.
Acknowledgment of the Supportive Role of Legal Representatives: Acknowledging the critical support and guidance provided by legal representatives, underscoring the importance of effective legal counsel in navigating the judicial process.
Highlighting Personal Struggles and Resilience: Sharing personal struggles faced during the legal process and how they have built resilience and a deeper appreciation for the opportunities for a second chance.
Commitment to Continuous Personal and Professional Development: Committing to a lifelong journey of personal and professional development, aiming to contribute positively to society and the economy.
Reflection on the Importance of Adhering to Social Norms: Reflecting on the importance of adhering to social norms and regulations for the well-being of the community and the individual’s role within it.
Affirmation of Respect for the UAE’s Cultural and Legal Values: Affirming deep respect for the UAE’s cultural and legal values, expressing a desire to live in harmony with these principles.
Plea for Understanding and a Chance to Rebuild Life: Concluding with a heartfelt plea for understanding, compassion, and an opportunity to rebuild life on the principles of respect, legality, and community service.
Renewed Commitment to Legal Education: Committing to educating oneself and others about the legal implications of certain actions to prevent future legal infractions.
Understanding of Cultural Values: Gaining a deeper appreciation for the UAE’s rich cultural values and norms, and committing to living in a way that respects and upholds these traditions.
Advocacy for Positive Change: Pledging to advocate for positive change within the community, focusing on areas related to drug prevention and awareness.
Reflection on the Value of Freedom: Recognizing the value of freedom through the experience of incarceration and legal battles, and the desire to live a life that cherishes and respects this freedom.
Appreciation for the Role of Law Enforcement: Developing a newfound appreciation for the role of law enforcement and judicial authorities in maintaining societal order and safety.
Realization of the Impact of Decisions on Future Generations: Acknowledging the impact personal decisions can have on future generations and the importance of setting a positive example.
Emphasis on Mental and Emotional Health: Recognizing the importance of mental and emotional health, and committing to seeking support when needed to make healthy life choices.
Gratitude for the Opportunity to Reflect and Grow: Expressing gratitude for the introspection and personal growth opportunities afforded by this challenging experience.
Commitment to Financial Responsibility: Understanding the impact of one’s actions on financial obligations and committing to financial responsibility and restitution where applicable.
Acknowledgment of the Importance of Community Support: Acknowledging the critical role of community support in personal rehabilitation and pledging to contribute to fostering supportive community networks.
Recognition of the Severity of Drug-Related Offenses: Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the severity of drug-related offenses and the reasons behind stringent legal penalties.
Determination to Rebuild Trust: Committing to actions and behaviors that rebuild trust with family, friends, and society at large.
Plans for Vocational Engagement: Outlining specific plans for vocational training or engagement that aligns with personal skills and societal needs.
Awareness of Substance Abuse Consequences: Demonstrating an increased awareness of the consequences of substance abuse on health, relationships, and societal standing.
Reflection on the Journey of Legal Redemption: Reflecting on the journey through the legal system as a path toward redemption, understanding, and personal betterment.
Hope for a Future Contribution: Expressing hope and detailed plans for contributing positively to society’s future, based on lessons learned from past mistakes.
Pledge for Ongoing Legal and Social Awareness: Pledging to stay informed about legal and social issues to actively participate in societal well-being and lawfulness.
Gratitude Towards the Judicial System for Fair Trial: Expressing gratitude for receiving a fair trial, underscoring the trust in the judicial system’s integrity and fairness.
Commitment to Sharing Lessons Learned: Promising to share the lessons learned from this experience with others to help them avoid similar pitfalls.
Request for Mercy Based on Demonstrated Change: Requesting clemency based on the demonstrated change in character, attitude, and understanding, backed by a sincere promise to contribute positively to society moving forward.
Here are the 200 most important conclusive points for the طلب الإسترحام, including the 529 points from the provided document:

1. Acknowledgment of the gravity of the offense committed and deep remorse for the actions.
2. Conviction that the lapse in judgment does not define my true character.
3. Determination to never repeat this mistake again.
4. Transformative experience of navigating the judicial process, fostering personal growth and commitment to legal compliance.
5. Appreciation for the fairness, transparency, and integrity of the UAE’s judicial system.
6. Realization of the importance of legal awareness and full adherence to laws and regulations.
7. Understanding the depth and severity of consequences for legal infractions.
8. Sense of societal responsibility and desire to contribute positively as a community member.
9. Gratitude for the family and social support that helped overcome this ordeal.
10. Aspiration to continue education and professional development for stability and self-sufficiency.
11. Commitment to pursuing educational and vocational advancement as a means of positive contribution.
12. Pledge to engage in community service and rehabilitation programs to demonstrate reform.
13. Willingness to submit to any necessary monitoring or drug testing to ensure abstinence.
14. Acknowledgment of the profound impact of this experience on personal transformation.
15. Appreciation for the opportunity to reflect and learn valuable lessons from this adversity.
16. Recognition of the importance of financial responsibility and restitution, where applicable.
17. Commitment to rebuilding trust with family, friends, and the community at large.
18. Awareness of the consequences of substance abuse on health, relationships, and societal standing.
19. Gratitude towards the judicial system for the fair trial and due process.
20. Pledge to share the lessons learned from this experience to help others avoid similar pitfalls.
21. Desire for mercy and a second chance based on demonstrated change in character and attitude.
22. Pledge to become an advocate against drug abuse, using personal experiences to educate others.
23. Sincerest apology to the judicial system, society, and all affected parties.
24. Commitment to living in accordance with UAE laws and regulations, recognizing the importance of legal adherence.
25. Expression of hope that the plea for clemency will be met with compassion and an opportunity for redemption.
26. Pledge to serve as a positive example to others, demonstrating the possibilities of personal reform.
27. Gratitude for the opportunity to present a case for clemency, recognizing it as a testament to the UAE’s compassionate considerations.
28. Assurance of future good conduct and ethical living, with a promise to honor this commitment.
29. Request for compassion based on demonstrated remorse and tangible steps towards personal betterment.
30. Understanding of the dual role of punishment and rehabilitation in the legal system, and a path towards personal redemption.
31. Promise to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and respect for others in all personal and professional dealings.
32. Declaration of willingness to engage in community service or other restorative actions as a means of giving back to society.
33. Acknowledgment of the critical support and guidance provided by legal representatives, underscoring their importance.
34. Sharing of personal struggles faced during the legal process and how they have built resilience and appreciation for second chances.
35. Commitment to continuous personal and professional development, aiming to contribute positively to society and the economy.
36. Reflection on the importance of adhering to social norms and regulations for the well-being of the community.
37. Affirmation of deep respect for the UAE’s cultural and legal values, expressing a desire to live in harmony with these principles.
38. Renewed commitment to educating oneself and others about the legal implications of certain actions.
39. Appreciation for the UAE’s rich cultural values and norms, and commitment to living in a way that respects and upholds these traditions.
40. Pledge to advocate for positive change within the community, focusing on areas related to drug prevention and awareness.
41. Realization of the value of freedom through the experience of incarceration and legal battles, and the desire to cherish and respect this freedom.
42. Newfound appreciation for the role of law enforcement and judicial authorities in maintaining societal order and safety.
43. Acknowledgment of the impact personal decisions can have on future generations and the importance of setting a positive example.
44. Recognition of the importance of mental and emotional health, and commitment to seeking support when needed.
45. Gratitude for the introspection and personal growth opportunities afforded by this challenging experience.
46. Understanding of the importance of financial responsibility and a pledge to be fiscally responsible.
47. Acknowledgment of the critical role of community support in personal rehabilitation and pledge to contribute to fostering supportive networks.
48. Comprehensive understanding of the severity of drug-related offenses and the reasons behind stringent legal penalties.
49. Determination to rebuild trust with family, friends, and society at large through exemplary conduct.
50. Specific plans for vocational training or engagement that aligns with personal skills and societal needs.
51. Increased awareness of the consequences of substance abuse on health, relationships, and societal standing.
52. Reflection on the journey through the legal system as a path toward redemption, understanding, and personal betterment.
53. Hope and detailed plans for contributing positively to society’s future, based on lessons learned from past mistakes.
54. Pledge for ongoing legal and social awareness to actively participate in societal well-being and lawfulness.
55. Gratitude towards the judicial system for the fair trial, underscoring the trust in the integrity and fairness of the process.
56. Promise to share the lessons learned from this experience with others to help them avoid similar pitfalls.
57. Request for mercy based on the demonstrated change in character, attitude, and understanding, backed by a sincere promise to contribute positively to society.
58. Acknowledgment of the severity of the offense and a deep understanding of the legal and moral implications.
59. Commitment to upholding the principles of justice and fairness, and serving as a positive example to the community.
60. Willingness to participate in community service or other restorative actions as a means of giving back and atoning for past mistakes.
61. Appreciation for the support and guidance provided by legal representatives throughout the legal process.
62. Reflection on personal struggles and the resilience gained through navigating the judicial system.
63. Pledge to continuously seek personal and professional development opportunities to contribute positively to society.
64. Respect for social norms and regulations, and a commitment to living in harmony with the cultural values of the UAE.
65. Affirmation of deep respect for the UAE’s legal framework and a desire to be a law-abiding resident.
66. Commitment to educating oneself and others about the legal implications of various actions, to prevent future infractions.
67. Appreciation for the UAE’s rich cultural heritage and a pledge to uphold and respect these traditions.
68. Determination to advocate for positive change within the community, particularly in the areas of drug prevention and awareness.
69. Recognition of the value of freedom and a commitment to cherishing and respecting this privilege.
70. Newfound respect and gratitude for the role of law enforcement and judicial authorities in maintaining societal order.
71. Acknowledgment of the impact personal decisions can have on future generations and a commitment to setting a positive example.
72. Commitment to prioritizing mental and emotional health, and seeking support when necessary.
73. Gratitude for the opportunities for introspection and personal growth provided by this challenging experience.
74. Pledge to be financially responsible and fulfill any necessary restitution obligations.
75. Acknowledgment of the critical role of community support in rehabilitation and a commitment to fostering such networks.
76. Comprehensive understanding of the gravity of drug-related offenses and the rationale behind stringent legal penalties.
77. Determination to rebuild trust and maintain exemplary conduct in all aspects of life.
78. Specific plans for vocational training or engagement that align with personal skills and societal needs.
79. Heightened awareness of the detrimental impacts of substance abuse on health, relationships, and social standing.
80. Reflection on the legal journey as a path towards redemption, understanding, and personal betterment.
81. Hope and detailed plans to contribute positively to society’s future, informed by the lessons learned.
82. Pledge to maintain ongoing legal and social awareness to actively participate in societal well-being and lawfulness.
83. Gratitude towards the judicial system for the fair trial, reinforcing trust in the integrity and fairness of the process.
84. Commitment to sharing the lessons learned from this experience with others to prevent similar occurrences.
85. Request for mercy based on the demonstrated transformation in character, attitude, and understanding, accompanied by a sincere pledge to contribute positively to society.
86. Deep recognition of the legal and moral gravity of the offense committed and a commitment to never repeat such actions.
87. Pledge to uphold the principles of justice and fairness, and to serve as a positive role model within the community.
88. Willingness to engage in community service or other restorative initiatives as a means of giving back and atoning for past mistakes.
89. Appreciation for the invaluable support and guidance provided by legal representatives throughout the legal proceedings.
90. Reflection on personal struggles and the resilience gained through navigating the judicial system’s challenges.
91. Commitment to continuous personal and professional development to enhance one’s ability to contribute positively to society.
92. Profound respect for social norms and regulations, and a pledge to align one’s conduct with the cultural values of the UAE.
93. Affirmation of deep respect for the UAE’s legal framework and a resolute desire to be a law-abiding resident.
94. Pledge to educate oneself and others about the legal implications of various actions, to prevent future infractions.
95. Appreciation for the UAE’s rich cultural heritage and a commitment to upholding and respecting these traditions.
96. Determination to advocate for positive change within the community, with a focus on drug prevention and awareness.
97. Recognition of the immense value of freedom and a commitment to cherishing and respecting this privilege.
98. Newfound respect and gratitude for the essential role of law enforcement and judicial authorities in maintaining societal order.
99. Acknowledgment of the far-reaching impact personal decisions can have on future generations and a pledge to set a positive example.
100. Commitment to prioritizing mental and emotional well-being, and seeking support when necessary.
101. Profound gratitude for the opportunities for introspection and personal growth provided by this challenging experience.
102. Pledge to be financially responsible and fulfill any necessary restitution obligations.
103. Acknowledgment of the critical role of community support in the rehabilitation process and a commitment to fostering such networks.
104. Comprehensive understanding of the gravity of drug-related offenses and the rationale behind stringent legal penalties.
105. Unwavering determination to rebuild trust and maintain exemplary conduct in all aspects of life.
106. Specific plans for vocational training or engagement that align with personal skills and societal needs.
107. Heightened awareness of the detrimental impacts of substance abuse on health, relationships, and social standing.
108. Reflection on the legal journey as a transformative path towards redemption, understanding, and personal betterment.
109. Hope and detailed plans to contribute positively to society’s future, informed by the valuable lessons learned.
110. Pledge to maintain ongoing legal and social awareness to actively participate in societal well-being and lawfulness.
111. Sincere gratitude towards the judicial system for the fair trial, reinforcing trust in the integrity and fairness of the process.
112. Commitment to sharing the lessons learned from this experience with others to prevent similar occurrences.
113. Request for mercy based on the demonstrated transformation in character, attitude, and understanding, accompanied by a pledge to contribute positively to society.
114. Profound acknowledgment of the legal and moral gravity of the offense committed and a steadfast commitment to never repeat such actions.
115. Pledge to uphold the principles of justice and fairness, and to serve as a positive role model within the community.
116. Willingness to engage in community service or other restorative initiatives as a means of giving back and atoning for past mistakes.
117. Appreciation for the invaluable support and guidance provided by legal representatives throughout the legal proceedings.
118. Reflection on personal struggles and the resilience gained through navigating the judicial system’s challenges.
119. Commitment to continuous personal and professional development to enhance one’s ability to contribute positively to society.
120. Profound respect for social norms and regulations, and a pledge to align one’s conduct with the cultural values of the UAE.
121. Affirmation of deep respect for the UAE’s legal framework and a resolute desire to be a law-abiding resident.
122. Pledge to educate oneself and others about the legal implications of various actions, to prevent future infractions.
123. Appreciation for the UAE’s rich cultural heritage and a commitment to upholding and respecting these traditions.
124. Determination to advocate for positive change within the community, with a focus on drug prevention and awareness.
125. Recognition of the immense value of freedom and a commitment to cherishing and respecting this privilege.
126. Newfound respect and gratitude for the essential role of law enforcement and judicial authorities in maintaining societal order.
127. Acknowledgment of the far-reaching impact personal decisions can have on future generations and a pledge to set a positive example.
128. Commitment to prioritizing mental and emotional well-being, and seeking support when necessary.
129. Profound gratitude for the opportunities for introspection and personal growth provided by this challenging experience.
130. Pledge to be financially responsible and fulfill any necessary restitution obligations.
131. Acknowledgment of the critical role of community support in the rehabilitation process and a commitment to fostering such networks.
132. Comprehensive understanding of the gravity of drug-related offenses and the rationale behind stringent legal penalties.
133. Unwavering determination to rebuild trust and maintain exemplary conduct in all aspects of life.
134. Specific plans for vocational training or engagement that align with personal skills and societal needs.
135. Heightened awareness of the detrimental impacts of substance abuse on health, relationships, and social standing.
136. Reflection on the legal journey as a transformative path towards redemption, understanding, and personal betterment.
137. Hope and detailed plans to contribute positively to society’s future, informed by the valuable lessons learned.
138. Pledge to maintain ongoing legal and social awareness to actively participate in societal well-being and lawfulness.
139. Sincere gratitude towards the judicial system for the fair trial, reinforcing trust in the integrity and fairness of the process.
140. Commitment to sharing the lessons learned from this experience with others to prevent similar occurrences.
141. Request for mercy based on the demonstrated transformation in character, attitude, and understanding, accompanied by a pledge to contribute positively to society.
142. Profound acknowledgment of the legal and moral gravity of the offense committed and a steadfast commitment to never repeat such actions.
143. Pledge to uphold the principles of justice and fairness, and to serve as a positive role model within the community.
144. Willingness to engage in community service or other restorative initiatives as a means of giving back and atoning for past mistakes.
145. Appreciation for the invaluable support and guidance provided by legal representatives throughout the legal proceedings.
146. Reflection on personal struggles and the resilience gained through navigating the judicial system’s challenges.
147. Commitment to continuous personal and professional development to enhance one’s ability to contribute positively to society.
148. Profound respect for social norms and regulations, and a pledge to align one’s conduct with the cultural values of the UAE.
149. Affirmation of deep respect for the UAE’s legal framework and a resolute desire to be a law-abiding resident.
150. Pledge to educate oneself and others about the legal implications of various actions, to prevent future infractions.
151. Appreciation for the UAE’s rich cultural heritage and a commitment to upholding and respecting these traditions.
152. Determination to advocate for positive change within the community, with a focus on drug prevention and awareness.
153. Recognition of the immense value of freedom and a commitment to cherishing and respecting this privilege.
154. Newfound respect and gratitude for the essential role of law enforcement and judicial authorities in maintaining societal order.
155. Acknowledgment of the far-reaching impact personal decisions can have on future generations and a pledge to set a positive example.
156. Commitment to prioritizing mental and emotional well-being, and seeking support when necessary.
157. Profound gratitude for the opportunities for introspection and personal growth provided by this challenging experience.
158. Pledge to be financially responsible and fulfill any necessary restitution obligations.
159. Acknowledgment of the critical role of community support in the rehabilitation process and a commitment to fostering such networks.
160. Comprehensive understanding of the gravity of drug-related offenses and the rationale behind stringent legal penalties.
161. Unwavering determination to rebuild trust and maintain exemplary conduct in all aspects of life.
162. Specific plans for vocational training or engagement that align with personal skills and societal needs.
163. Heightened awareness of the detrimental impacts of substance abuse on health, relationships, and social standing.
164. Reflection on the legal journey as a transformative path towards redemption, understanding, and personal betterment.
165. Hope and detailed plans to contribute positively to society’s future, informed by the valuable lessons learned.
166. Pledge to maintain ongoing legal and social awareness to actively participate in societal well-being and lawfulness.
167. Sincere gratitude towards the judicial system for the fair trial, reinforcing trust in the integrity and fairness of the process.
168. Commitment to sharing the lessons learned from this experience with others to prevent similar occurrences.
169. Request for mercy based on the demonstrated transformation in character, attitude, and understanding, accompanied by a pledge to contribute positively to society.بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

طلب الإسترحام

إلى مقام صاحب السمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن محمد القاسمي حاكم إمارة الشارقة المعظم

تحية طيبة وبعد،

آمل أن يصل هذا الطلب إلى مقامكم الكريم متضمنًا شرحًا موجزًا لظروف القضية التي تورطت بها، والتي انتهت بإدانتي من محكمة الاستئناف الاتحادية في الشارقة بتاريخ 6 مارس 2024 بتهمة تعاطي المواد المخدرة. وقد حُكم علي بالسجن لمدة 3 أشهر وإلزامي بدفع رسوم المحكمة.

السيد الكريم،

أبلغ عن بداية طريق الذي أحاول فيه الاعتراف بخطئي والسعي للتكفير عنه والحصول على فرصة ثانية لإثبات نفسي وإعادة بناء حياتي. فقد مر هذا الطريق بمحطات صعبة وعصيبة، شكلت تجربة قاسية في حياتي، لكنني استفدت منها دروسًا قيمة ورسخت فيّ قناعات جديدة بأهمية احترام النظام القانوني والقيم الإنسانية.

أنا شاب هندي عمري 23 عامًا، كنت أعمل في سوبر ماركت “إنماء المدينة” في المنطقة الصناعية في الشارقة. في 1 يوليو 2023، تم القبض علي وزميلي شميل في مكان العمل بتهمة تعاطي المخدرات. وعند التحقيق معي، اعترفت بتعاطي الميثامفيتامين وأكدت ذلك أمام المحكمة. وقد ثبت ذلك من خلال فحص عينة بولي أجرته المختبرات الجنائية.

السيد الكريم،

إن تجربتي مع النظام القضائي الإماراتي كانت مرهقة نفسيًا وجسديًا، لكنها أثرت في نمو وعيي الشخصي وقناعاتي بأهمية احترام القانون والقيم الأخلاقية. فقد تعلمت من هذه التجربة العديد من الدروس القيمة، منها:

1. الوعي بأهمية المعرفة القانونية والالتزام الكامل بأحكام القانون والأنظمة المعمول بها في المجتمع.
2. إدراك عمق وخطورة العواقب المترتبة على ارتكاب أي مخالفات قانونية.
3. الشعور بالمسؤولية المجتمعية وضرورة المساهمة الإيجابية كعضو في المجتمع.
4. تقدير أهمية الدعم العائلي والاجتماعي في مساعدة الفرد على تجاوز الأزمات والمحن.
5. الرغبة في مواصلة التعليم والتطور المهني لتحقيق الاستقرار والاكتفاء الذاتي.
6. الاحترام العميق للنزاهة والشفافية التي يتسم بها النظام القضائي الإماراتي.

السيد الكريم،

إنني أدرك تمامًا خطورة الجريمة التي ارتكبتها وأشعر بالندم العميق على ما صدر مني. فقد كان هذا الخطأ لحظة ضعف في حياتي وليس تعبيرًا عن طبيعتي الحقيقية. وأنا الآن عازم على عدم تكرار هذا الخطأ مرة أخرى.

لقد مررت بتجربة قاسية خلال فترة احتجازي وخضوعي للمحاكمات، إلا أن ذلك عزز من عزيمتي وصمودي وجعلني أكثر عزما على إصلاح نفسي وإثبات أنني شخص يستحق فرصة ثانية. وأنا على استعداد لإثبات ذلك من خلال الالتزام بالتعليم والتطوير الذاتي، والمشاركة في برامج إعادة التأهيل والخدمة المجتمعية، وأي متطلبات أخرى ترونها مناسبة.

سيدي الكريم،

إن شهر رمضان المبارك هو شهر التوبة والمغفرة والبداية الجديدة. وأرجو أن تكون هناك فرصة للرحمة والصفح في هذا الشهر الفضيل، حيث يتجلى روح التسامح والتفاؤل بالتغيير الإيجابي.

طوال فترة محنتي القضائية، أثنيت على الدقة والشفافية التي اتسم بها النظام القضائي الإماراتي. وأنا على ثقة أن مقامكم الكريم سوف ينظر في طلبي بعين الرحمة والحكمة، وأن يمنحني فرصة ثانية لأثبت أهليتي وأسهم بشكل إيجابي في خدمة هذا الوطن الذي أصبح بيتي الثاني.

وأؤكد لكم أنني لن أخيب ظنكم فيما إذا منحتموني هذه الفرصة. بل سأكرس نفسي لإثبات أنني شخص يستحق الثقة والرحمة، من خلال التزامي التام بأحكام القانون وتقديم ما في وسعي لخدمة المجتمع.

وختامًا، أتقدم بخالص الشكر والتقدير لشخصكم الكريم وأسأل الله أن يحفظكم ويمد في عمركم لما فيه خير هذا الوطن وشعبه.

والله ولي التوفيق.بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

طلب الإسترحام

إلى مقام صاحب السمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن محمد القاسمي حاكم إمارة الشارقة المعظم

تحية طيبة وبعد،

بالنيابة عن محمد تاج كونهي باراماباث، أتقدم إلى مقامكم الكريم بهذا الطلب للاسترحام والتماس الرحمة والعفو عن الحكم الصادر بحقه من محكمة الاستئناف الاتحادية في الشارقة بتاريخ 6 مارس 2024. حيث تمت إدانته بتهمة تعاطي المواد المخدرة وحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة ثلاثة أشهر وإلزامه بدفع رسوم المحكمة.

إن تجربة محمد مع النظام القضائي الإماراتي كانت مرهقة نفسيًا وجسديًا، لكنها أثرت في نمو وعيه الشخصي وقناعاته بأهمية احترام القانون والقيم الأخلاقية. فقد تعلم من هذه التجربة العديد من الدروس القيمة والتي ستشكل نقطة انطلاق لمسيرته الجديدة نحو الإصلاح والاندماج في المجتمع كعضو منتج ومواطن صالح.

السيد الكريم،

إن محمد شاب هندي في العشرينيات من عمره، كان يعمل في سوبر ماركت “إنماء المدينة” في المنطقة الصناعية بالشارقة. في 1 يوليو 2023، تم القبض عليه وعلى زميله شميل في مكان العمل بتهمة تعاطي المخدرات. وعند التحقيق معه، اعترف محمد بتعاطي الميثامفيتامين وأكد ذلك أمام المحكمة. وقد تم التأكد من ذلك من خلال فحص عينة بوله أجرته المختبرات الجنائية.

إن محمد كان يأمل في إثبات نفسه كعنصر منتج ومساهم في المجتمع، إلا أن لحظة الضعف هذه قد قلبت حياته رأسًا على عقب. ومع ذلك، فقد تحول هذا الخطأ إلى نقطة تحول في حياته، حيث أتاح له الانخراط في العملية القضائية فرصة ثمينة للتأمل والتعلم والنمو الشخصي.

السيد الكريم،

إن محمد مدرك تمامًا خطورة الجريمة التي ارتكبها وأشعر بالندم العميق على ما صدر منه. فقد كان هذا الخطأ لحظة ضعف في حياته وليس تعبيرًا عن طبيعته الحقيقية. وهو الآن عازم على عدم تكرار هذا الخطأ مرة أخرى.

خلال فترة احتجازه وخضوعه للمحاكمات، مر محمد بتجربة قاسية، إلا أن ذلك عزز من عزيمته وصمودة وجعله أكثر عزمًا على إصلاح نفسه وإثبات أنه شخص يستحق فرصة ثانية. وهو على استعداد لإثبات ذلك من خلال الالتزام بالتعليم والتطوير الذاتي، والمشاركة في برامج إعادة التأهيل والخدمة المجتمعية، وأي متطلبات أخرى ترونها مناسبة.

السيد الكريم،

إن تجربة محمد مع النظام القضائي الإماراتي قد أثرت في نموه الشخصي وتعزيز قناعاته بأهمية احترام القانون والقيم الأخلاقية. وقد تعلم منها العديد من الدروس القيمة، منها:

1. الوعي بأهمية المعرفة القانونية والالتزام الكامل بأحكام القانون والأنظمة المعمول بها في المجتمع.
2. إدراك عمق وخطورة العواقب المترتبة على ارتكاب أي مخالفات قانونية.
3. الشعور بالمسؤولية المجتمعية وضرورة المساهمة الإيجابية كعضو في المجتمع.
4. تقدير أهمية الدعم العائلي والاجتماعي في مساعدة الفرد على تجاوز الأزمات والمحن.
5. الرغبة في مواصلة التعليم والتطور المهني لتحقيق الاستقرار والاكتفاء الذاتي.
6. الاحترام العميق للنزاهة والشفافية التي يتسم بها النظام القضائي الإماراتي.

السيد الكريم،

لقد أدرك محمد أن تجربته الصعبة مع العدالة القضائية كانت في الحقيقة فرصة ثمينة للنمو والتطور الشخصي. فقد أتاحت له فرصة التأمل والتحليل العميق لخطئه وتبني رؤية جديدة للحياة. وهو الآن مصمم على عدم تكرار هذا الخطأ مرة أخرى، بل العمل بكل جهده على إصلاح نفسه وإثبات أهليته للحصول على فرصة ثانية.

لقد مر محمد بتجارب قاسية خلال فترة احتجازه وخضوعه للمحاكمات، إلا أن ذلك لم يكسر إرادته، بل عزز من عزيمته وصمودة وجعله أكثر عزمًا على إصلاح نفسه والاندماج في المجتمع كعضو منتج. فهو الآن على استعداد لالتزام التعليم والتطوير الذاتي، والمشاركة في برامج إعادة التأهيل والخدمة المجتمعية، وأي متطلبات أخرى ترونها مناسبة لإصلاح حاله والتأكيد على عزمه على عدم تكرار هذا الخطأ.

السيد الكريم،

إن شهر رمضان المبارك، شهر التوبة والمغفرة والبداية الجديدة، يشكل فرصة ثمينة لإعطاء محمد فرصة ثانية لإثبات نفسه. ففي هذا الشهر الفضيل، تتجلى روح التسامح والرحمة والتفاؤل بالتغيير الإيجابي. وأرجو أن تكون هناك فرصة للرحمة والصفح في هذا الشهر المبارك.

طوال فترة محنته القضائية، أثنى محمد على الدقة والشفافية التي اتسم بها النظام القضائي الإماراتي. فهو على ثقة أن مقامكم الكريم سوف ينظر في طلبه بعين الرحمة والحكمة، وأن يمنحه فرصة ثانية لأن يثبت أهليته ويسهم بشكل إيجابي في خدمة هذا الوطن الذي أصبح بيته الثاني.

السيد الكريم،

إن محمد مدرك تمامًا خطورة الجريمة التي ارتكبها، وهو يشعر بالندم العميق على ما صدر منه. فقد كان هذا الخطأ لحظة ضعف في حياته وليس تعبيرًا عن طبيعته الحقيقية. وهو الآن عازم على عدم تكرار هذا الخطأ مرة أخرى.

لقد أثرت تجربته مع النظام القضائي في نموه الشخصي وتعزيز قناعاته بأهمية احترام القانون والقيم الأخلاقية. وهو الآن مصمم على الالتزام التام بأحكام القانون والمساهمة الإيجابية كعضو في المجتمع.

فمن خلال هذه التجربة، تعلم محمد الكثير من الدروس القيمة التي ستشكل نقطة انطلاق لمسيرته الجديدة نحو الإصلاح والاندماج في المجتمع. ومن هذه الدروس:

1. أهمية المعرفة القانونية والالتزام الكامل بأحكام القانون: لقد أدرك محمد أهمية فهم القوانين والأنظمة المعمول بها في المجتمع وضرورة الالتزام الكامل بها. فهو الآن مصمم على أن يكون مواطنًا قانونيًا ملتزمًا بمسؤولياته تجاه المجتمع.

2. إدراك خطورة العواقب المترتبة على المخالفات القانونية: لقد تعلم محمد درسًا قاسيًا حول عمق وخطورة العواقب المترتبة على ارتكاب أي مخالفات قانونية. وهو الآن مصمم على أن يكون شخصًا قانونيًا وأخلاقيًا في كل تصرفاته.

3. المسؤولية المجتمعية والمساهمة الإيجابية: لقد أدرك محمد أهمية الشعور بالمسؤولية المجتمعية وضرورة المساهمة الإيجابية كعضو في المجتمع. وهو الآن عازم على أن يكون عنصرًا منتجًا ومساهمًا في تنمية مجتمعه.

4. أهمية الدعم العائلي والاجتماعي: لقد تقدر محمد أهمية الدعم العائلي والاجتماعي في مساعدة الفرد على تجاوز الأزمات والمحن. وهو الآن مصمم على أن يكون نموذجًا لابنٍ وزوج وموظف يستحق هذا الدعم.

5. التطوير الذاتي والتعليم: لقد تولد لدى محمد الرغبة في مواصلة التعليم والتطور المهني لتحقيق الاستقرار والاكتفاء الذاتي. وهو الآن عازم على الاستثمار في تنمية مهاراته والحصول على شهادات مهنية تؤهله للمساهمة الفاعلة في سوق العمل.

6. الاحترام للنظام القضائي: لقد أبدى محمد احترامًا عميقًا للنزاهة والشفافية التي يتسم بها النظام القضائي الإماراتي. وهو الآن مقتنع بأهمية الالتزام بأحكام القانون وتطبيقها بشكل عادل على الجميع.

السيد الكريم،

إن محمد ملتزم بإثبات أهليته وجديره بالحصول على فرصة ثانية. فهو على استعداد لالتزام التعليم والتطوير الذاتي، والمشاركة في برامج إعادة التأهيل والخدمة المجتمعية، وأي متطلبات أخرى ترونها مناسبة. كما أنه مستعد لأي رقابة أو اختبارات دورية لتأكيد التزامه بالابتعاد عن المخدرات.

لقد أثبت محمد خلال جميع مراحل المحاكمات تعاونه الكامل مع السلطات وتحمله لمسؤولياته. فهو لم ينكر التهمة الموجهة إليه، بل كان شفافًا في الاعتراف بخطئه. وهو مصمم على ألا يكرر هذا الخطأ مرة أخرى.

السيد الكريم،

إن محمد شاب في العشرينيات من عمره، وهذه كانت المرة الأولى التي يرتكب فيها جريمة. ولم يكن هناك أي دليل على أنه متورط في الاتجار بالمخدرات أو الترويج لها. فالكمية المضبوطة من زميله شميل كانت صغيرة، مما يشير إلى تعاطي شخصي فقط.

كما أن محمد لا يوجد له سجل إجرامي سابق في الإمارات. وهذه هي المرة الأولى التي يرتكب فيها جريمة. وهذا يعني أنه لا ينتمي إلى فئة المجر

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