Write a research paper about the cyber balance of power and the growth of cybersecurity in Saudi Arabia.

Write a research paper about the cyber balance of power and the growth of cybersecurity in Saudi Arabia.

I would like you first to review the uploaded documents to get the main idea of the research, aim, hypotheses, and theoretical framework, etc.,
secondly, I would like to help me to write the chapter 5 of my dissertation paper “Fieldwork”
which should include the following:
– Procedures and Instruments
The method used was structured interview with close-ended …
write about the questions in general and how it relates to my research and the theoretical framework, etc.,
you have to write that in One page

– Results and Analysis
Each question should be analysis in-depth in two pages, to align with the research
No need to add a chart

also, you only have to use the resources that’s used in the given research paper and in the paper specify where it was used) in which chapter.

I suppose you are professional, and you will recommend me what the paper is needed to add, and we can discuss it more

if there is any missing information, please let me now and i will deliver it to you as soon as possible

best wishes

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