Write a research paper discussing the importance of sickle cell disease, the risks, and the pros and drawbacks.

Write a research paper discussing the importance of sickle cell disease, the risks, and the pros and drawbacks.Gather information about the key topic that prompted you to choose this person to interview. The second one is example, but the topic is the importance of sickle cell disease and the risk and the pro and consResearch information about the major topic that made you choose this person to interview.

Examples might be criteria for being a Purple Heart recipient, pros and cons of delivering a child in the home, risks to children in any dangerous/life-threatening circumstance that differ from those of an adult, factors contributing to surviving a particular disease, surviving a different period in history, life expectancy factors, just to name a few! Incorporate your research findings into your interview essay.
This research essay needs to be 600 words, 12 font, double spaced, and normal margins. This assignment needs to be submitted through a Canvas link. At the beginning of the interview, which does not count toward the word total, include:
-Name of person being interviewed
-Age of person being interviewed
-Relationship to you, if there is one
-Phone or email contact information for this individual
-Documentation of at least three sources (no popular magazines or Wikipedia)

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