Write a research paper on Black History in World War II: The Seeds of a Revolution.

Write a research paper on Black History in World War II: The Seeds of a Revolution.

Was A. Philip Randolph’s March on Washington movement successful? How did it relate to the Double V campaign?

The answers should come from your textbook, the lectures, videos, and the research you conducted in the APUS Library.

Text Chapter 3 – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V0jdLTMslPtEgyvkn5NcNbsoYBffPy6u/view?usp=sharing

Apus Library login for additional sources

User: Deante85 PW: ImFree2024!!

Remember: Generic sources are not acceptable. You have to understand the quality of the source you are using. Sources/citations are not required in the regular forums but they are required in the essays. Your participation posts need to be substantive – show you understand the readings and material for the week. Use Word to edit your work. In the essays, write in character, have two separate sections (as per the instructions) and be specific, refer to the lessons and readings.

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