Write a research paper on Calabar Culture and its Mathematical Implications for the Slave Trade using the Ethnomathematics Resource Book from the course resources and necessary books section of Blackboard.

Write a research paper on Calabar Culture and its Mathematical Implications for the Slave Trade using the Ethnomathematics Resource Book from the course resources and necessary books section of Blackboard.1.
Review the YouTube video on relations and
functions, https://youtu.be/RzodawOzb94
also given in the course materials and required books
Read Chapter 2, pages 24-29 on Calabar Culture
and the Mathematical Implications as it pertains to the Slave Trade in the
Ethnomathematics Resource Book in the course materials & required books
section of Blackboard
Read the chapter on functions in the book
titled Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction, 3rd edition, by
Oscar Levin which you can access at url below:
also given in the course materials and books section of

Recall #6 in Module 1 – Activity 1 of my
mathematical story, based on your review of #1&2, (a) Construct a mapping
(function) between the triangles constructed and the set {1, 2, 3} that shows
which triangle is assigned to what #; (b) Convert this mapping to its Cartesian
Product format. Ensure your triangles are labeled. Submit your answer to
3(a)&(b) in the assignment folder on Module 2: my mathematical story &
functions. Solving the problem with some
explanation please.

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