Write a research paper on the following topic: How can the arguments made by Frantz Fanon in Wretched of the Earth explain why colonised people occasionally think that revolution and violence are required to remove a colonial oppressor and attain national liberation?

Write a research paper on the following topic: How can the arguments made by Frantz Fanon in Wretched of the Earth explain why colonised people occasionally think that revolution and violence are required to remove a colonial oppressor and attain national liberation?How do Frantz Fanon’s arguments in Wretched of the Earth reveal why colonized people sometimes believe that violence (and revolution) is necessary to overthrow a colonial oppressor and achieve national liberation? In answering this question, consider: 1) the ways in which Fanon was influenced by Marxism; 2) the racism and violence of colonialism itself; 3) Fanon’s writings about violence in Wretched of the Earth (“On Violence” and the case studies).

In answering this question, you must include quotes from the following primary sources:
At least two direct quotes from Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto
At least two direct quotes from Alexandra Kollontai’s Love of Worker Bees
At least one direct quote from Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness
At least two direct quotes from Fanon’s chapter, “On Violence,” from Wretched of the Earth
At least one direct quote from the case studies at the end of Wretched of the Earth
At least one example from the film, The Battle of Algiers
Essay Requirements (a rubric will be used to assess the following)
· Format
o The essay should be typed, 6-8 pages, 12-point font.
o Proper organization: the essay should include one introductory paragraph with a thesis that is underlined, body paragraphs that contain evidence, and a concluding paragraph.
· Argumentation
o A thesis that is argumentative not descriptive.[1] It should directly answer the essay question in one-two sentences.
o Evidence that is used throughout the essay that supports the thesis.
· Evidence
o Use evidence that is accurate and relevant to your thesis. This is one of the most important aspects of your paper. Note that your paper should be more heavily weighted towards discussing ideas from Unit 3 than Units 1 and 2 (see the number of direct quotes that are required from each source).
o The paper question asks you to grapple with an array of evidence from different sources that we have examined throughout the semester. The paper must use at least seven direct quotes from at least four different sources.
o Use footnotes to cite your sources using Chicago style (Turabian)[2] and introduce and analyze the quotes that you use as evidence (see example in the footnote for this sentence).[3]

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