Write a research paper on the following topic: Should Christians have a left- or right-wing stance on international finance or microfinance?

You will craft an individual essay in response to the provided prompt. You must use current
APA style with default margins and 12-pt Times New Roman font. The
& Free Trade Assignment
format. You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate scholarly sources to
fully support your assertions and conclusions (which will likely require more than the minimum
number of citations). Each paper must contain at least 5
paper, not including the course textbooks, presentations, or Bible.
Considering the
paper on the logic, rationale, and effectiveness of
with the following prompts, answering in a separate or integrated manner as you wish.

legitimacy of the
role and rationale? In reverse, mention at least 3 criticisms of these institutions. Is there a
particularly Christian approach to international finance or micro-finance, or might
Christians split left to right on this issue? Explain.

regime established after WWII. Most Western economists defend free trade as a religious
mantra, believing it a partial remedy for the ills of inequality between peoples, states, and
regions like the North-South divide for example. Many Christians endorse free trade as
one of the only ways to reconcile capitalism, freedom, and Christian faith. Providing 3
pros and 3 cons, offer a more balanced view of free trade.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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