Write a research paper on the following topic: What constitutes a business plan?

Write a research paper on the following topic: What constitutes a business plan?Using the overall insights from the module that cuts across multiple disciplines- you are now required to develop a business plan for a start idea using the lean canvas. You must offer depth of analysis by relying on evidence-based assertions anchored in research.
To support your analysis – students MUST include the SIT framework. Please NOTE that the financial requirements of the lean canvas are LIMITED to the essential aspects that support the narrative- specifically, your costs and revenue streams [These can be based on actual estimates or assumptions- what is critical is the awareness and relevance of both].
This is an INDIVIDUAL report based on the startup idea you have come up with. This is your opportunity to express how you would do things, in terms of your strategy for future growth, target markets, supply chains and so on.

Students must:
You are expected to build upon the preliminary ideas from preceding assignments.
Design facets pertaining to a product or service.
Your business proposition should be oriented towards profit maximization as the primary objective.

Mandatory Deliverables:

A fully completed Lean Canvas template, which can be accessed in the attached editable format
This should be included as an APPENDIX to your report so that you are submitting one document.
A formal report of 1500 words interpreting the Lean Canvas Template.
Supplementary materials and templates that align with your narrative, which may encompass relevant items can be included as appendices as needed.

Format of Report:
This word count is for the BODY of the assignment (Intro to Recommendations) and does NOT include obligatory:
• Header page
• Executive summary
• Contents page
• Appendices (optional – but likely to be needed)
• References and Bibliography (Bibliography optional – but likely to be needed).

You are expected to include the following sections:
Title page
Executive summary (separate page – remember an Executive Summary is not an introduction)
Contents Page
Body (1500 words ±10%) …. see below for more on this.
Appendices (Optional usually – but you must include your LEAN CANVAS as an Appendix
Bibliography (optional – only if you researched resources and books or articles not directly cited under References)
Glossary (optional)

Your Title Page should include:
Your names
Section and Team
Title of your report
Assignment name
Number of words (for the body of the report, not including appendices)
The body of your report. This will vary according to the report in question but should usually start with an Introduction and end with a Conclusion and then Recommendations. However, for CM1: Startup Challenge, you should absolutely include also the elements from the Lean Canvas Template, namely:
Unique Value Proposition
Unfair Advantage
Customer Segments
Existing Alternatives
Key Metrics
High-Level Concept
Early Adopters
Cost Structure
Revenue Structure
Your report should have page numbers
Your contents page should indicate all sections and sub-sections and their page numbers.
If you are unsure how to automatically create Contents pages using Headings and Sub-Headings and page numbers, look at SIMnet (MS Office) section of your online learning sections.
Appendices are optional. But if you use an appendix, make it a self-contained section…do not simply put a diagram there.
Your References page should show all the sources you have cited in the report. You have a class on Referencing so make sure you follow it.
Your Bibliography page should show all the further sources you used for research but did not cite in the report.
Copying and pasting of text is strictly forbidden. If you think you need to use a direct quote, ensure it is important that we have the words of the person concerned and you must cite them appropriately. It is usually unlikely that someone needs to be quoted directly in a report of this nature, so far better that you incorporate their thoughts and ideas into your own text and contrast them with other opinions. Reference the thoughts and ideas!
Reference everything! Remember we use the APA v7 system…see the Tech Toolkit if you are unsure.

Style of Writing
As with all reports, tell a story.
Write in the 3rd person or passive form. NOT in the 1st person.
Make it interesting.
Make the report attractive. Include images if relevant. Think about the font, spacing etc.
Think carefully about what is relevant (for the body), and what is additional/ supplemental information (for appendices).
Answer the question. If you are asked to analyse, use models to structure your analysis. If you are asked to compare, then compare the organisations!
The perfect organisation does not exist: you are expected to make recommendations.

Your idea is not perfect – please make sure you make recommendations for improvement!

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