Write a research paper on the process of using strength training to train for endurance.

Write a research paper on the process of using strength training to train for endurance.

Write a 600-word report that looks like this type of magazine article, from the same author we used for extra credit on Doubt Is Their Product Download Doubt Is Their Product. I don’t expect this level of detail, but just ideas to stimulate your writing imagination. Use the two professional journal references you previously submitted.

If your topic was about football head injuries, you could include a photo of a football, a photo from a football game on TV, a helmet at a sporting goods store, a vehicle that was involved in a crash, someone with a bandage around their head, a broken egg, two kids playing…open up your creative mind. If your topic was opioids, consider a photo of a newspaper headline, or an ambulance, or an emergency room with vehicles outside, or a police car, or a courthouse, a prescriiption (names redacted), a syringe, anything really that helps to convey your thoughts on the subject. Many students stay with topics that are close to their technology majors, but this is not a requirement.

Write a short introduction so the reader knows what the paper is about.

Use 2-3 block headings to help keep the material organized, and easy to read.

Discuss 2 or 3 main points that you found in your research. If possible, find one source that is contrary to the another to give “the other side of the coin” argument.

The photos must also include a 1 sentence caption AND the basic camera settings that include date, location, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, camera model, and focal length of the lens. The photos must be original and taken by you. Place the photos into the body of the paper. Do NOT simply drop in the photos at the end of the paper!

End the paper with your conclusion. Mention what learned from the research that you did. This is the place to weigh in with your informed opinion which is based on the information that was found in your research. Do not make claims that lack foundation. Facts that are not widely known must be cited in the paper (author, date).

Bibliography: provide the reader with the sources that you researched. Use the APA style for the citations. Internet sources can be used if they are reliable, but the paper must have 2 professional journals as references.
Attach your word document here, remember to RESIZE your photographs BEFORE you embed them in your paper to avoid having a massive file size.

Make the capstone something that you can consider a valuable addition to your academic portfolio.

All papers will go through Turn It In for a similarity score to any other papers previously submitted. The lower the score, the more original is the work. “Green is great, yellow not so good, and red is unacceptable.”

Grading Rubric: – based on 4 major categories; 4 points each, total of 16. Content (4), References and proper citations (4) ; Photography and layout (4); Originality score from Turn it in and paper organization (4).

Below are some more specific items that I look at:

information is presented clearly.
block headings are appropriately used,
the paper is well organized with an opening statement that explains what is in the paper,
a conclusion of your opinion based on the facts,
the vocabulary reflects college writing,
the references include a peer reviewed professional journal, (2)
the photography adds to the understanding of the topic,
the photos are clear, each has a caption and metadata,
the turn it in originality score is below 30% (lower is better),
the required title page is used,
and the content meets the 600-word requirement.

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