Write a research paper on what were the primary causes of the Civil War?

No event in our national history is as traumatic as the Civil War. If you wish to understand the political, social and cultural divides in modern America, you have to understand the prelude to the Civil War and the war itself. The Civil War divides the nation, over 700,000 Americans would die in the war and the South would be economically ruined. While the institution of slavery was done away with and outlawed, the painful Reconstruction that followed the war would only further divide the country.

Two great questions surround the War Between the States, one of them moral and the other one political. With the rosy comfort of 21st Century vision, the moral question of slavery is easily cast as evil. However the political question that continues to vex Americans to this day is whether or not the Southern States had the right to leave the United States and attempt to establish their own nation, the Confederate States of America.

For the purposes of this paper I want you to read Chapters 9-11-12-13-14 of your primary text, “The American YAWP”. In addition I Write a research paper on what were the primary causes of the Civil War?want you to read the following selections from your text: Chapter 9 and “The Missouri Compromise Documents”, Chapter 11 and George Fitzhugh “Argues that Slavery is Better than Liberty and Equality”, Chapter 12 and John O’Sullivan Declares “America’s Manifest Destiny”, Chapter 13 and “1860 Republican Party Platform” and “South Carolina Declaration of Secession” Chapter 14 and Alexander Stephens on “Slavery and the Confederate Constitution” Abraham Lincoln, “Second Inaugural Addresses.” You may also of course utilize any other outside sources which you find in your research. I highly recommend that you review “The Declaration of Independence” and the “Constitution of the United States” found in many online sources. As always I will accept alternate sources of information as long as they are reputable and you cite them.

Once you have read those selections and consider the nature of our Civil War, I want you to put together a paper. In your paper I want you to consider the following questions:

What were the primary causes of the Civil War? Was the secession of the Southern States legal? Was it justified? Could the war have been avoided?

Your paper should be between 1200-1500 words, about 4-5 pages. Your work should be double-spaced, Arial or Times New Roman 11 or 12 pt font. Your paper should be submitted to CANVAS not later than 2355 hours on October 6, 2023. Please remember to cite your sources of information. I accept the use of either MLA or Turabian/Chicago style for reference source citation. The use of Wikipedia as a reference source is not acceptable in a scholarly work.

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