Write a research paper on why reproductive rights advocates should address maternal mortality and coercive sterilisation alongside abortion access concerns.

Write a research paper on why reproductive rights advocates should address maternal mortality and coercive sterilisation alongside abortion access concerns.Select one of the topics below and write a brief research paper (7-8 pages)
You should consult at least 6-8 scholarly sources (journal articles and books beyond course
Assignment is worth 25% of your final grade
Due: March 29, 2024
Late penalty: 1% per day
You should also include relevant course material
Your essay should include a clear argument or position
You should demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the topic
Your paper should include both empirical (information, data) and theoretical elements
Your paper should be approximately 7-8 pages in length, double spaced (1750- 2000 words), not
including bibliography
Your paper should include a bibliography
You should consult the Political Science Department Writing Guide for further information on
Essay Style and Structure
1. Reproductive justice. Why should reproductive rights advocates, who are concerned about
abortion access, also be concerned about issues like maternal mortality and coerced sterilization?
You can choose to write in the context of either the United States or Canada.

You should be sure to
include both theoretical (reproductive justice, intersectionality) components and empirical
(information, data on maternal mortality and involuntary sterilization, birth alerts) components.
2. Care work. How does policy shape gender politics? Specifically, how do migrant domestic
caregiver programs create and re-create families? How do they distribute power, create power
imbalances, and how are these imbalances resisted in “everyday” ways? In your answer, provide
specific (empirical, information, data-driven) examples, and also situate those examples in the
context of theoretical discussions related to the gender binary, the public- private distinction, and/
or intersectionality.

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