Write a research paper outlining how you can evaluate a certain piece of art by an artist.

Write a research paper outlining how you can evaluate a certain piece of art by an artist.The piece of art you will be interpreting is Mr and Mrs Andrews by Thomas Gainsborough (photo linked below) and relate it to one or more of the themes below.

Here is a link describing the piece: https://www.everypicture.org/blank-v5f50

You just have to reference the painting and use different parts of the main painting to describe it. ex: crop the painting to just show the landscape in the background or just Mr and Mrs Andrews.
*The instructions are as follows:*
Interpret a single work by a British artist:
Start off by giving an overview of the artist and painting then dive into the details of the painting.
Papers could focus on themes such as:
The Moral Painting.
Continental influences and reactions.
The influence of the Grand Tour and Neoclassicism.
Grand Manner vs. Truth to Nature.
Illustrations and captions –
Illustrations need to be big enough and clear enough to confirm the arguments that you are making about them in the main text. Preferably main examples should be reproduced one to a page.
If there is a good-quality version of the image online, it is fine to refer the reader to this in a footnote, but provide an illustration in your essay as well.
Refer to your illustrations in the main text of the essay like this (Figure 1). If you need to refer to several illustrations at once, do so like this (Figures 2–3) or like this (Figures 1, 3, 5).
You can put your illustrations at the end of your essay (after the bibliography) or – if you feel sure you can do it well – incorporated into the text.
Illustrations should be properly captioned. Here is a suggested format:

Figure number. Artist, Title of Artwork in Italics, date, materials, dimensions in cm (or mm for works on paper). Collection, location.
Figure 1. Albrecht Dürer, Self-Portrait at the Age of 28, 1500, oil on wood, 67.1 x 48.7cm. Alte Pinakothek, Munich.
Figure 3. After Willem Paets (or Paats), The Bodies of Johan and Cornelis de Witt, 1672, pen in brown ink and pencil in different colours, 245 x 191mm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
For a detail (an enlarged section of an image you have previously reproduced):
Figure 2. Detail of Figure 1.

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