Write a research paper outlining the advantages of the hydraulic fracturing technique.

Write a research paper outlining the advantages of the hydraulic fracturing technique.each of the three sections
And a conclusion that addresses what work still needs to be done in preparation for the proposed argument
Annotated Bibliography (50 points)
For this portion of Unit Two, you will begin the formal research process for your big question. You will need to find three sources that offer insight, information, ideas, solutions, etc., about your topic for the semester. Furthermore, in order to best make use of your research, you will need to prepare an annotated bibliography which contains the following:

A properly formatted Works Cited entry for each research source using the current version of MLA
A paragraph following the citation that will include:

o Three to five sentences that summarize the key ideas of the source as it pertains to your big question

o Two to three sentences that explain why this is a credible, trustworthy source

o Three to four sentences that address how this source will help you better craft the argument you explained in your proposal

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