Write a research paper outlining the arguments for and against childhood vaccination requirements.

Write a research paper outlining the arguments for and against childhood vaccination requirements.The rubric of the paper states that I must “compare and contrast the facts and research presented on each side of the pro vs anti vaccination for children”.

▪ 3-5 articles per perspective ( 6 – 10 articles total)
▪ Paper 3-5 pages double spaced ( + cover page and reference list).
Must use articles listed below
Must cite articles throughout paper
Must be able to persuade your patient, client, or the public to follow the best supported medical evidence presented in the articles
Must have thorough understanding of the articles

Citations for Anti Mandatory Vaccinations:

McKee, C., & Bohannon, K. (2016). Exploring the reasons behind parental refusal of vaccines. The journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4869767/#:~:text=Many%20parents%20do%20n ot%20see,chemicals%20into%20their%20children’s%20bodies.&text=Other%20parents%20thi nk%20if%20their,of%20contracting%20preventable%20childhood%20diseases.




Citations for Pro Mandatory Vaccinations:





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