Write a research paper outlining the global business project’s theory and practice.

Write a research paper outlining the global business project’s theory and practice.Activity Context
This assignment measures your mastery of the following course competencies:
Evaluate management theories in both local and global contexts.
Analyze research methodologies applicable for business research.
Apply a culture of inquiry to scholarly research and writing.
Write and present in academically appropriate ways.
Activity Improve your final research plan and literature review based on feedback you received from your peers and faculty, and submit it to your instructor for grading.
Your final project includes your:
Research Plan: Knowledge Management developed for Week 6 Assignment.
Literature Review developed for the Week 5 Assignment.
Edit and combine these into one paper with a title page and reference list. Your final paper will be 7–9 pages, not including the title or reference pages. Include a reference list for the whole paper at the end of the literature review.
Read the course project description for a more detailed description of your paper.
Course Project
Go to: Acceptable Topics and Designs PhD Business Management [PDF]Links to an external site.. Download the document and review the Acceptable Program Methods, Recommended Theoretical Orientations, and Recommended Acceptable Project Topic Areas.
Create an essay in which you address the following:
Describe a dissertation topic that is of interest to you within the realm of knowledge management or knowledge sharing after reviewing the Recommended Acceptable Project Topic Areas. Note: you should use the same topic you developed in Week 5. Identify and cite at least two scholarly sources to support the topic (one page).
Propose a theoretical orientation after reviewing Recommended Theoretical Orientations. Identify and cite at least two scholarly sources regarding the theory and then explain how you might conduct research on your topic through the lens of the chosen theory (one page).
Explain how you would use the generic qualitative inquiry method/design to conduct research on the topic. Identify and cite at least two scholarly sources to explain the use of the generic qualitative inquiry method/design (one page).
Explain how you would use the quantitative regression method/design to conduct research on the topic. Identify and cite at least two scholarly sources to explain the use of the quantitative regression method/design (one page).
Literature Review
Organize and summarize the main ideas and key points from your selected resources.
Identify and use critical thinking to evaluate the management ideas and practices discussed in the articles.
Identify and evaluate a management theory explained in an article.
Compare and contrast the findings and results presented in the articles, which requires going beyond reporting what the authors stated. To compare and contrast, you must expose the similarities and differences in the authors’ findings and expert opinions.
Use this heading structure:
Title. Create a title page with your topic title and other information required. Use current APA guidelines for title page requirements.
Title of Your Essay.
Theoretical Orientation.
Generic Qualitative Inquiry.
Quantitative Correlation.
Literature Review.
Organization and Summary of Main Ideas
Evaluation of Management Ideas and Practices
Evaluation of a Management Theory
Comparison of the Findings
Additional Project Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Refer to Evidence and APA on Campus for guidance.
Number of resources: You should have approximately 12-15 references related to leadership, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, methodologies, or management theory.
Length of paper: 7–10 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Use grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of doctoral-level composition and expression, including appropriate APA citations.
Your instructor recognizes that your Week 5 and Week 6 assignment papers were submitted to Turnitin and that you are reusing much of the content developed for these two assignment papers to complete your Week 9 Assignment: Theory and Practice in Global Business Project. Any noted Turnitin issues that occurred in the Week 5 or 6 assignment papers must be corrected prior to submitting the Week 9 Assignment, but do not be concerned with matches with your original content developed for the Week 5 and 6 assignments.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Evaluate management theories in both local and global contexts.

Propose and describe a theoretical orientation to conduct the research.
Identify and evaluate a management theory explained in an article.
Competency 2: Analyze research methodologies applicable for business research.
Explain the use of the generic qualitative inquiry method/design to conduct the research.
Explain the use of the quantitative regression method/design to conduct the research.
Identify and evaluate the management ideas and practices discussed in the articles.
Compare and contrast the findings and results presented in the articles.
Competency 3: Apply a culture of inquiry to scholarly research and writing.
Describe a dissertation topic.
Organize and summarize the main ideas and key points from the selected resources.
Competency 4: Write and present in academically appropriate ways.
Communicate effectively and follow APA formatting guidelines throughout.
Make sure to use all previous papers, and recomendations/feedback from professor and references in papers.
Please follow all directions.

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