Write a research paper outlining the guidelines for evidence-based practice. Evaluation: The 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign.

Write a research paper outlining the guidelines for evidence-based practice. Evaluation: The 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign.Appraise the guideline or position statement by providing a robust discussion of the following criterions.

– Summarize the purpose of the guideline and who the guideline impacts. (1 paragraph)
Explain who developed the guidelines and their significance to practice. Do not give names, instead provide the groups of nationally recognized experts by group, organization, or expertise in the field. – — What makes the developers experts? Explain your answer. (1 paragraph).
– What different levels of evidence (classes/grades of evidence) were used to develop the recommendations? To complete this step you must look at the studies/references used that support the recommendations or position statements. You must use levels as indicated on the level of evidence hierarchy as described in your book or resource in the Readings/Resources section of the course page to support your answer. You may also include any specific rating system the guideline or position statement referenced as well. How many levels of evidence were used? What is the difference between the various levels? Support your answers by explaining why these various levels of evidence matter when assessing the strength of the guideline. (2-3 paragraphs).
– Review the levels of evidence discussed in #3 to support the recommendations to explain the following:

1. were the resources consistent, well-designed studies? 2. were the majority of the studies used to form recommendations primarily high level or low level studies? 3. Should the authors consider using more studies, different types of studies? 4. Is the guideline current or do you feel there are any gaps in the guideline/position statement that should have been addressed, but wasn’t? Support your statements with peer reviewed resources and thorough rationales to explain your answers (2-3 paragraphs). You may want to revisit the level of evidence hierarchy to assist you in answering this question.
– Based on your answers in #3-4, how does this impact your decision to use this guideline in practice or to disregard the recommendation. Explain your answer with fully supported information from the guideline or position statement, and other resources as necessary. (2-3 paragraphs)

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