Write a research paper outlining the main reason behind erroneous convictions.

Write a research paper outlining the main reason behind erroneous convictions.**Write a newspaper article** Using AP Format (Associated Press)

The Topic Can Be -> Falsely being convicted
Examples Person “Dionis hefebandz”
Need to include: Large letters, Pictures,
Needs to be based on one of these Marxs *Classism
*American Dream*
Use third person pronouns –> He, She, It, They –> Past Tense
Include facts –> 5W’s -> Who, What, When, Where (Abstract), Why, How (to Fix)
Have a short and informative headline.
Provide a summary at the start explaining what happen (but not giving everything away)
Use paragraphs to help the reader clealy understand the information.
Provide “quotes” to show people opinions about
Include a picture with a caption to help the reader visualize.
Be formal

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